SAB Sponsor Progress Report Joseph Gwinn POSIX: CS/Portable Applications Standards Committee (PASC) 26 May 2015
CS/PASC Activity Summary (1) Active Working Groups The Austin Group has most of the activity The Realtime Group is working on moving 1003.26 into 1003.1 See Additional-Highlights slide WG size: Austin Reflector has ~350 people; of which perhaps 10% generate most of the traffic, and the rest post only when a specific issue surfaces. Most are not CS/PASC members CS/PASC is far smaller, basically the POSIX hardcore, most of whom participate in The Austin Group
CS/PASC Activity Summary (2) 1003.1-2008-Cor_1 Standard for Information Technology - Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX) - Corrigendum 1 – was approved Corrigenda correct technical and other non-editorial errors made during the preparation of the base standard 1003.1-2008-Cor_2 PAR has been submitted IEEE 1003.1 is thrice a standard, carrying the imprimaturs of IEEE, ISO, and The Open Group
YTD Additional Highlights CS/PASC Policies and Procedures have been aligned with current AudCom P&P template CS/PASC intends to move the technical content of IEEE 1003.26R into the base POSIX standard, 1003.1 via The Austin Group The request was submitted to The Austin Group in August 2013 as bug #729, and has been accepted for consideration in the next 1003.1 Revision CS/PASC also intends to revise IEEE 1003.13R (a profile of 1003.1) to reflect accumulated changes, and to re-align with 1003.1
PASC Officers (As Of February 2015) Joe Gwinn Chair Nick Stoughton Secretary Andrew Josey Vice chair, interpretations Curtis Royster Vice chair, logistics and treasurer Don Cragun System Services sub chair (Joe Gwinn)* Realtime sub-chair Barry Hedquist Test Methods sub chair Craig Meyers Distributed Services sub chair Roger Martin Ex-officio Emeritus Mark Brown The Open Group IR Diane Schleicher SAE IR Stephen Walli US TAG * Note each person has only one vote, even if they hold multiple roles. CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09