14 principles for learning What Cognitive Science says about how you learn!
Students learn ideas by reference to ideas they already know ANALOGIES SCHEMA
WORKED EXAMPLES MODELLING MULTI MODAL To learn anything it must transfer from working memory to long term memory WORKED EXAMPLES MODELLING MULTI MODAL
Cognitive development does not progress through age related stages MASTERY DELIBERATE PRACTICE
Students need to think about meaning when they encounter ‘to be remembered’ material STORIES MNEMONICS
Practice is essential to learning new facts/skills SPACED RETREIVAL INTERLEAVING
DESIRABLE DIFFICULTIES Each subject area has some set of facts that if committed to long term memory aids problem solving DESIRABLE DIFFICULTIES
Effective feedback is essential to acquiring new knowledge SPECIFIC HELPFUL CLEAR
Teachers should ensure students have sufficient background knowledge to appreciate context PRIOR KNOWLEDGE
Compare problems to different contexts Compare problems to different contexts. Identify the sub steps required for solving a problem REAL LIFE APPLICATION
Intelligence and ability can be improved through hard work EFFORT TRUMPS TALENT
Self-determined motivation leads to better long term outcomes than controlled motivation GROWTH MINDSET
The ability to monitor their own thinking can help students identify what they do and don’t know SELF TESTING
Students will be more successful where they are encouraged to respond to critical feedback HIGH STANDARDS
Students have different learning styles MYTH Humans use only 10% of their brains MYTH People are preferentially right or left brained MYTH Novices and experts can think in the same ways MYTH Cognitive development progresses via age related stages MYTH