History & Current Challenges Immigration History & Current Challenges
Article: Immigration History
Trend in U.S. Immigration 1910 15% (of population) 1950 7% “ “ 1970 5.0% “ “ 2004 11.0% “ “ 24 million people 11 million illegal (estimate)
Poverty and Immigrants Poverty rate is 50% higher than U.S. born Account for 22% of all poverty 30% have no high school diploma 33% have no health insurance Account for 60% of increase in uninsured
Immigration: Legal vs. Illegal
Video: The Wall
Article #2: Illegal Immigrants Benefits Costs
Illegal Immigration Free-Write Article #3 Analysis Illegal Immigration Free-Write Discuss whether you support the Guest Worker Program for illegal immigrants If you agree, explain why in detail…. If you disagree, explain why and offer an alternative for illegal immigrants