Stress Management
What is stress? What is a stressor? The body's reaction to a change that requires a physical, mental or emotional adjustment. What is a stressor? Anything that causes stress.
Stress can affect all areas of our lives, but is all stress is bad? What makes a stress positive or negative?
How you respond to a stressor or how you let it affect you can make it positive or negative. What might be a positive stressor for one person could be a negative stressor for another.
Positive Stress = Eustress If it helps you achieve something, it is a positive stressor. Negative Stress = Distress If it keeps you from regular daily activity, it is a negative stressor.
Not always, but we do have control over how we let Do we have control Over what causes Us stress? Not always, but we do have control over how we let it affect us.
What is Environmental stress? NATURAL DISASTERS Pressure on the environment caused by human activities or by natural events. **VIDEO POLLUTION
What is a Biological stressor? Conditions that make it difficult for your body to take part in daily activity (illness, a disability, injury).
What is a thinking stressor? Anything that challenges us mentally (taking a test, homework).
What are Behavioral stressors? Unhealthy behaviors such as not getting enough sleep or exercise, using tobacco, alcohol, or drugs, poor eating habits.
What are life-Change stressors? Any major life change, positive or negative (death of a loved one, getting married, graduating).
Describe the body’s fight-or-flight response to stress: CLICK HERE During fight or flight your body produces adrenaline which provides you with energy, reflexes and strength you may need to respond to a stressor. **VIDEO
When stress occurs, your body goes through 3 stages: alarm – body becomes aware of a stressor resistance – body works against the stressor exhaustion – body cannot take the resistance or fight it anymore. You may become sick.
Coping Skills Define coping- How you deal with stress. Everyone deals with stress differently, some in a positive way and some in a negative way. What are some examples of both?
Coping Skills POSITIVE: Negative: Exercise Listen to music Draw Meditate Go to a movie Hang out with friends Smoking Drugs Overeating Oversleeping Isolation Suppressing emotions Self-harm Coping Skills Can you think of any other ways?
How can long-term stress make you physically sick? Long-term stress can weaken your immune system, making you more prone to illnesses.
What is resiliency? The ability to overcome challenges of all kinds–trauma, tragedy, personal crises, everyday life problems–and bounce back stronger, wiser, and more personally powerful. **VIDEO
The healthier you are physically when major stressors occur, the more resiliency you have to overcome that stressor.
Lack of sleep over an extended period of time. What is Sleep deprivation? Lack of sleep over an extended period of time. What is insomnia? Inability to sleep, even when tired. **VIDEO What problems could occur from being sleep deprived?
INCREASED RISK FOR GETTING HURT Sleepiness can cause a lack of concentration and slow reaction time, which can lead to dangerous and even fatal accidents. INCREASED RISK FOR GETTING SICK Long-term sleep deprivation can decrease the body’s ability to fight infection. STRESS-RELATED PROBLEMS Even occasional sleep deprivation can make everyday life seem even more stressful and cause you to be less productive. .
How much sleep do teens need each night? Teens need about 9 hours a night. What regulates how much sleep we need? Circadian rhythm regulates your sleeping and waking patterns. During puberty the rhythm is delayed so teens want to go to bed later and wake up later.
What are the 2 stages of sleep? The 1st stage of sleep is called NREM in which the body recovers from the stress of the day’s activities. NON-RAPID EYE MOVEMENT The 2nd stage of sleep is called REM in which dreams occur. RAPID EYE MOVEMENT **VIDEO ON BOY
Time, or lack of it, is a major stressor for most people… ...what are some things you can do to help manage your time better? (answer on your own through class discussion)