Dealing With Bullies
Everyone gets teased It happens! Not everyone is nice… Not everything is bullying Getting pushed in the hall once is not bullying Bullying gets repeated over time, usually by the same person or group of people
The Power We Possess Bully: Bullies have the power to victimize/hurt others through their words and actions. They also have the power to stop, if they choose to. Victim: Victims DO still have power, just less of it. They sometimes can escape the situation. They have the power to tell a trusted adult. Victims often need help. Bystander: Bystanders have the power to ignore bullying. They have the power to join in with the bully. But they also have the power to get the victim out of the situation and get help!
“The common mistake that bullies make is assuming that because someone is nice that he or she is weak. Those traits have nothing to do with each other. In fact, it takes considerable strength and character to be a good person.” -Mary Elizabeth Williams
Apply What can you do to prevent bullying? Write a paragraph about a plan that you can make to help stop or prevent bullying from happening in the future! If you finish writing about your plan, write about a bullying situation that you: Experienced personally Heard about from a friend or family member Saw in a movie/on TV Read in a book
Thank you!!