Webropol – Getting started 2 Adding questions
Once you’ve “created” your survey, you can start adding questions The text editor needs to be clicked if you want to add in hyperlinks etc. A number of question types are automatically displayed to get you started, along with the title of your survey
You can amend the title Decide what type of question you want to put in – for example the contact form. Webropol automatically adds the question to the next clear space. Add Question – on the top tool bar will show you all the types of question available.
The question types are arranged in four categories – Text, Selection, Matrix, Special The following slides will go through each question type. New question types are due to added soon, but they are greyed out as they are not active yet.
Text questions Open ended – used for qualitative data and gives a large box for respondents to type into Text field – also for qualitative data, but the amount of typing space is smaller. Good for “Other” fields Contact form – allows you to get the details of who’s filling in the survey. Gives quantitative data Numeric field – this can only be used for a number e.g. phone number
Selection Questions Simple single choice selection Multiple choice selection Single selection drop down menu Select a single image or picture Select multiple images or pictures
These questions go horizontally rather than vertically Matrix questions - closed-ended questions that asks respondents to evaluate one or more row items using the same set of column choices. These questions go horizontally rather than vertically This style of question allows for multiple selections Here you can get responses form positive (good) to negative (bad) This is an example of a matrix question – this one is a single selection
Special questions Allows your survey respondent to attach a file – e.g. proof of a qualification Puts in a calendar so a date can be selected This breaks down long list. It also means that if answer one question it depends what question get next – so if say GGC consultant will ask which hospital, then ask which department, then which consultant. Data from Excel can be imported for these questions Basic satisfaction scale Sliding satisfactions scale from positive to negative A question table is a group of questions that shares a common set of response options. This allows respondents to rank their preferences/ priorities