The Colonization of North America


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Presentation transcript:

The Colonization of North America

PEP Terms Roanoke - New England Colonies Jamestown - Middle Colonies Pocahontas - Southern Colonies John Smith Plymouth Pilgrims The Mayflower Compact The First Thanksgiving

I can explain the colonization of North America.

Roanoke - The Lost Colony - The was England’s first attempt at a colony in the New World. → A colony is a settlement that is ruled far from the country that rules it. - Walter Raleigh & John White took over 100 men, women, and children to the New World. When supplies began running low, White sailed back to England to get more supplies! *He could not return as soon as he had hoped. England was at war with Spain, and they needed all of their ships! He was away for 3 years. - When White returned, everything AND everyone had disappeared! The word CROATOAN was carved into a tree...that was the only thing left behind.

So what happened? Some think that they tried to build a boat and sail back to England on their own. Some think that they were captured by Natives, or that they assimilated into their culture. Some think that the Spanish found them and captured them during the war.

Jamestown - Jamestown was England’s first successful colony in the New World. It was settled in 1607 in Virginia. - It almost did not succeed due to disease and starvation. - The colonists had to make peace with the Powhatan tribe. The tribe introduced them to corn.

Pocahontas - Pocahontas was Chief Powhatan’s daughter. She helped bring peace between the English settlers and her people. - Pocahontas saved John Smith’s life one time when she was only 12 years old.

Captain John Smith - Captain John Smith led the colony in Jamestown. - He was very strict and told his people “He who shall not work, shall not eat.” - Smith was sent back to England with an injury, leaving someone else in charge. During the winter of 1609-1610, the settlers endured the Starving Time.

Plymouth - Plymouth was settled by the Pilgrims in 1620. - Plymouth was another successful colony, which involved more peaceful relations between Europeans and Native Americans. - Samsoset and Squanto are 2 Native Americans that helped the Pilgrims learn how to live on the land.

Pilgrims - A Pilgrim is a person who makes a journey for a religious reason. They travelled to the New World so they could practice their own religion. - Pilgrims were a group of people from England who separated from the Roman Catholic Church.

The Mayflower Compact - The Pilgrims travelled to the New World on a ship called the Mayflower. - Being a new colony, they did not have any form of government. They decided on the laws for their colony, signed the document, and called it the Mayflower Compact.

The First Thanksgiving - The Wampanoag tribe taught the Pilgrims how to become better hunters and farmers. - The First Thanksgiving was a celebration of the first harvest. The Pilgrims and the members of the Wampanoag tribe celebrated together with food and games.

These were the 13 original colonies. The 13 Colonies These were the 13 original colonies.

New England Colonies - Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut - New England was the coldest region. - They had thin and rocky soil, which wasn’t good for farming. - Their resources included trees, fish, and whales.

Middle Colonies - New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware - The Middle Colonies had a warmer climate. - They had more fertile soil, which was good for farming. - This section was known as the “breadbasket” of the colonies because they grew so much wheat.

Southern Colonies - Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia - The Southern Colonies had the warmest climate, which meant it had the longest farming season. - This section produced cash crops such as tobacco and rice. These crops were grown to make money.