Post WW1 Growth of Fascism Italy 1870-1933 – Rise of Mussolini
Warm UP Define Fascism and Regionalism Why did the LoN fail? HW: Read pg. 82-93 and complete all YELLOW Source skills tasks. Due on Thursday.
Pre ww1 Italian Rule Italy had only become a unified state in 1861, with the Papal States joining in 1870. The period of 1870 – 1923 was known as “Liberal Italy”. There were many weaknesses that undermined its ability to govern properly. Insert a map of your country.
Long-term weaknesses of Liberal Italy Lack of National Identity: Because the unification was new, many states were regionalized. Meaning there was a serious lack of Italian Nationalism. (Economic and Political divisions between North and South) The North was very industrialized, while the south was living in poverty. The Catholic Church: The relationship between the church and the government deteriorated after unification. Because of this the Vatican encouraged Catholics not to vote (up until 1914) due to the anti-clerical policies of the government. Insert a map of your country.
Weaknesses .. cont The Middle Class: dominated the political system, as the right to vote was limited to middle and upper classes until 1930. Because of this the working class had created their own political faction (The Italian Socialist Party – PSI) This movement was going to become very important after WW1. Nationalist Opposition: The Italian Nationalist Association was founded in 1910, followed by the Futurists. Extremely critical of the Italian liberal governments and supportive of war and violence. Wanted an empire (like GB), but as of the 1920s had very little territory. This group was looking for any means necessary to expand their empire. Insert a map of your country.
Impact of ww1 on Italy. Italy was a member of the Triple-Alliance (with Germany and Austria-Hungary). However, once the war broke out the current government was persuaded to sign the Treaty of London (April 1915) with GB, FR, RUS. By signing this document, there was a division in major political factions and many favored intervention because they felt the move to war would be a good way to destroy the liberal government of Italy. WW1 had divided Italy, many of the 5 million people who served in the war were politicized and resented the way the government had handled the war. By the end of the war the PSI and many unions were armed and prepared to engage in politics. Insert a map of your country.
What is fascism? Complete Fascism Worksheet located on my teacher page. You must use the internet for research! Insert a map of your country.
Growth of Fascism in Italy (1918-22) Immediately after the war, Italy entered a political crisis, as the liberal government began to lose control. This was further exemplified when Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando was unable to claim any territories in the Treaty of Versailles. Because of his failures at Versailles, Orlando was forced to resign. Due to these failures, Fascism gained poplularity with many different groups of citizens. They gained support by their appeal of strict law and order and national pride. In 1921 election it was clear that Italians were polarizing (35 seats to fascists, 138 to the socialists and communists who were a new party). Insert a map of your country.
Economics and Fascism in 1920's The post-war economy hit Italy very hard with unemployment rising to 2 million by the end of 1919. American isolation prevented many Italians from immigrating to US causing high poverty rates in the south. There was also a fear of a rise of communism (due to the 1917 Russian Revolution) Due to the rise of communism in Europe, Mussolini and his fascists gained support from: the wealthy, the Catholic Church, conservatives and all devout church followers. By 1922, the liberal government was unable to stop the escalating violence in the streets and were unable to provide any security for Italy. It was time for Fascism. Insert a map of your country.
What is the difference between Fascism and Nazism?
AcTIVITY Compare and contrast Hitler v. Mussolini. Due for HW if not complete.