Effective Legitimate Progressive American Logistics Association A Modern Best Practice Trade Association Effective Legitimate Progressive 2010 ALA National Convention
American Logistics Association ALA Mission Our mission is to promote, protect and enhance the military resale and quality of life benefits on behalf of our members and the military community Effective Legitimate Progressive
American Logistics Association ALA Initiatives Update New Web Page is Up-continuous improvement EB recognized-distribution continues to grow Changing BOD dynamics-Association By-Laws have been rewritten-New slate of officers to be named Government Relations Program Recognized and Responsive Business model is maturing-operations remain lean and mean Need to focus on results and ROI Effective Legitimate Progressive
American Logistics Association Industry Support Military Resale Programs deliver over $11B in benefits- a 9:1 ROI $8B at the register Cost avoidance to DoD (COLA) $600M in infrastructure improvements Employment for 30K family members Contributions to MWR Retention (Recruit Troops/Retain families) Effective Legitimate Progressive
American Logistics Association MESSAGE AND OPPORTUNITIES Military Resale Programs are efficient/effective and valued Cost has remained constant while other programs have grown exponentially Sound stewardship, exemplary leadership, a desire to transform System leverages best aspects of private sector with solid government performance Results must continue to show value and usage Effective Legitimate Progressive
American Logistics Association Industry Support is Key Military Resale vendor representatives provide nearly $500M in direct and indirect support for operations It is imperative these business partners be provided with secure and unimpeded access to resale facilities Base security is a critical component of command responsibility...but… Why should Industry be required to pay to get on to a base ? Effective Legitimate Progressive
American Logistics Association Base Access ALA’s Goal is Simple: One card for all installations Available and affordable Effective Legitimate Progressive
American Logistics Association Unmatched Partnership Opportunities Networking opportunities with Resale Leadership Ability to make a difference through the partnership councils (Commissary, Exchange, MWR) Ability to participate in the Congressional Caucus Ability to have a positive impact on military quality of life If you are in this channel and do not belong to the ALA … …you are not meeting your potential ! Effective Legitimate Progressive