Stuart Hitchman, Head of ICT, Rooftop Housing Group Digital Channel Shift Stuart Hitchman, Head of ICT, Rooftop Housing Group
The technology and cultural challenge of channel shift Staff communication Customer communication
Staff digital communication The ‘opportunities’ for staff to communicate at Rooftop (in 1 Year) Mitel phone system deployed on smart phones and laptops Smart phone Office 365 software @Workplace Other systems delivering agility / mobility support All products offer in some way video, IM, calling, presence, … Some easier than others to use / understand / adopt Differing capability / technical challenges / performance Different business units prefer different products and do not enforce a standard approach… a reluctance to ‘presence / availability’
Customer communication The ‘opportunities’ for customers to communicate with Rooftop Mitel phone system SIP comms – Main number, DDI, Extension, Call centre, call queueing, … Smart phone Mobile phone number Office 365 software Skype, email, IM Face to Face Office, at point of contact, Video, calls, IM Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Housing App, Website Multiple channels… choice v effectiveness v resource v VfM
The challenge… Keeping up to date with new technology, expectations, innovation, … How to drive channel shift without leaving anybody behind (The Board) Rooftop Direction Communication Strategy (Internal and External) ICT Strategy Customer Service Strategy Data Strategy
Questions? Stuart Hitchman Head of ICT Rooftop Housing Group @StuartHitchman