QUESTION INSTRUCTIONS CLICK THE TOP LEFT CORNER FOR RED CLICK THE TOP RIGHT CORNER FOR YELLOW CLICK THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER FOR BLUE CLICK THE BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER FOR GREEN INSTRUCTIONS Roll the dice and click a corner of the square for your counter. Answer the question. Click on FINISH when you reach the end. Click on START to reset the game. PRACTICE Click once and the counter will appear. Click again and the counter will disappear.
WINNER! WINNER! START FINISH RESET THE GAME YES NO Write your text here 1 Write your text here 2 Write your text here 3 Write your text here 4 Write your text here 5 Write your text here 6 Write your text here 7 Write your text here 8 Write your text here 9 START RESET THE GAME Are you sure? Write your text here 10 WINNER! YES NO Write your text here 19 Write your text here 18 Write your text here 17 Write your text here 16 Write your text here 15 Write your text here 14 Write your text here 13 Write your text here 12 Write your text here 11 Write your text here 20 FINISH WINNER! Write your text here 21 Write your text here 22 Write your text here 23 Write your text here 24 Write your text here 25 Write your text here 26 Write your text here 27 Write your text here 28 Write your text here 29