László Balázs Head of Unit of Intermediary Body


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Presentation transcript:

Experiences of Planning and Implementation in the South-Transdanubian Region László Balázs Head of Unit of Intermediary Body South-Transdanubian Regional Development Agency Kaposvár, Hungary

Hungary is member of the EU since 1th of May 2004 In the period of 2004-2006 there wasn’t separate Operational Programme for South-Transdanubian Regional Development There was only a Regional Action Plan, which was different in the Regions

The planning started in late 2004 followed the directives of the Strategic objectives approved by the Regional Development Council in April 2005 The South Transdanubian ROP (STD-ROP) was discussed in two readings by the Regional Development Council in March 2006 and was approved both times as the basis of the further planning work.

Strategic Development Programmes (SDP-s) Maximum planning Working together: region and micro Involve a project collection activity will be finished by the end of the summer of 2006 September 2006 we will have the project lists in order of importance and with costs

The whole planning process has been carried out with special regards to EU objectives. Lisbon strategy (strengthening of competitiveness, social and economic cohesion) expectations of the Gothenburg strategy (sustainability of development) compatible with the strategic goals of the National Development Policy Concept compatible with the priority axes of the National Strategic Reference Framework

Main strengths of South-Transdanubian region are: clean and attractive environment rich cultural heritage presence of universities availability of skilled and educated labour the overall objective is: lifting of South Transdanubia to the level of the more advanced Hungarian regions.

Objectives have been identified on the basis of these strengths: creation of a competitive economy built on the development of urban areas strengthening the tourism potential in the region human public services and settlement development with community target regional development of the infrastructure

Problems We do not have a lot of information on the National Reform Programme There is a lack of cooperation between the Ministry of Agriculture responsible for the planning of National Agricultural and Rural Development Plan It can be stated that the main problem of current OPRD is the centralised programming and implementation with much less respect to individual regional needs and priorities

to avoid this: ST-OPRD aims at focusing on regional territorial differences specific thematic characteristics of South-Transdanubia we intend to avoid open call for proposal procedure and use direct and action plan driven project selection criteria in all measures where it is possible

The current ROP has proved that the whole sector of tourism can be successfully developed on regional level The ST-OPRD has been designed with regards to the growth pole strategy of Pécs Innovative sectors were defined by Regional Innovation Strategy of South Transdanubia (RIS-ST) in 2004 European Capital of Culture 2010 – Pécs Roma problems are concentrated in the lagging behind areas of the region ST-OPRD emphasises the importance of public transport development

Thank you for your attention! László Balázs Head of Unit of Intermediary Body South-Transdanubian Regional Development Agency H-7400 Kaposvár, Szántó u. 5. Tel: 36-82/527-981 Fax: 36-82/527-998 E-mail: ballasz@ddrft.hu Web-site: www.ddrft.hu, www.deldunantul.com