John WALSH European Commission, DG Regional Policy


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Presentation transcript:

John WALSH European Commission, DG Regional Policy INTERREG IVC A knowledge transfer vehicle at the service of the regions John WALSH European Commission, DG Regional Policy

Regions for Economic Change (RfEC) In 2006 a new initiative linked with limited funding in two networking programmes: interregional - INTERREG IVC; inter urban – URBACT II Core objectives: Addressing common issues together Creating a stronger link between exchange of good practices and mainstream funding programmes => capitalisation Communication (2006) 675 of 8/11/2006 Four new elements: 30 themes Better communication, web, conferences, RegioStars Two-way bridge between networking and mainstream programmes ‘Fast track’ option (Commission support)

The currency of the knowledge economy …. “Knowledge is a mix of … experience, values, … information and expert insight that provides a framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information”

Knowledge management in private sector knowlege economy Generating Knowledge: i.e. case studies, consultants, acquisition, IPR, … Codification/ Co-ord: Depends on nature of knowledge, formal / informal, tacit, etc… Knowledge Transfer: Human element, trust, vocabulary, create fora … Roles – Skills: Facilitators, champions … Technologies: multiplying possibilities, databases, IT fora, need to serve the objective … Davenport & Prusak, “Working Knowledge how organisations manage what they know” 2000

Knowledge Management Techniques in public sector Connecting people to knowledge: i.e. case studies, data bases, rapid evidence review, … Connecting people to people: i.e. networks, communities of practice, world café, coaching … Organisation improvement: i.e. Knowledge exchange, action plans, reviews or evaluations … - IDeA – UK LGA:

Recognising KM in EU cohesion policy RegioStars Awards Recognising KM in EU cohesion policy - Generation RegioStars - networks - Codification/ Co-ord. Case Studies Methodology Transfer Fast Tracks, peer review, Conferences, - Roles & Skills Lead Partners, Urbact experts, Interact Knowledge Manager - Technologies Internet, Fora, Data bases Networks – IVC & Urbact II Website / Case Studies

Issues to explore today How can regional policy makers use EU networking strategically? How to connect networks and managing authorities? What obstacles, what solutions … What are results of first wave of fast track networks? What lessons have been learned?

Information is only of value when shared and applied! THANK YOU !

Sources EU Inforegio: RfEC: INTERACT: Interreg IVC Programme: Urbact Programme: Non-EU IDeA – UK LGA:

KM essentials - IDeA Data is the raw material, facts, observations, statistics. Information is data with some context or meaning attached. It may be structured, for example, records and documents, or unstructured, for example, carried in people’s heads. Ideally, the information about the work of an organisation is stored and accessible from its intranet. Information about staff expertise is listed in a people directory. Knowledge is information that has been put into productive use, made actionable. It is only of value when shared and applied! Wisdom is knowledge that has been combined and enriched by peoples’ insights and experience.