How to help cope with Exam Stress


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Presentation transcript:

How to help cope with Exam Stress Welcome How to help cope with Exam Stress

Timeline Easter Revision 23rd April – Grade update and Level Update 11th May – Celebration Day 14th May – First day of main exam season ( 21 SCHOOL DAYS!!!! ) 25th May – Study Leave

Easter Revision

Level System Update Next Level Review 23rd April. Since first review: Across all tutor groups the average effort level has significantly increased. Engagement has improved, Revision Sessions – Library

A state of mental, emotional or other strain. Exam Stress Stress A state of mental, emotional or other strain.

Stress – can lead to feeling… Stress – can affect… Memory Mood Concentration Self-esteem Confidence Immune system Eating Sleeping Stress – can lead to feeling… Overwhelmed Anxious Worry Unable to cope Nauseous Headaches Chest pains Panicky

Feelings of STRESS build up & take longer to leave the body Person feels threatened Brain Responds Nervous System & adrenal cortical system reacts Stress Response Society Today - difficult to “fight” or “run away” e.g.: you have a row with a parent – how do you fight, or get a way?! Releases- hormones including noradrenalin, & adrenaline. Increases- breathing rate, heart rate, blood sugar, blood flow; pupils dilate; intestinal muscles relax Person “fights” or “flights” BUT

Coping with Stress U-COPE Understand Check Reality Organise Prevent Pressure Engage with the environment/senses Coping better Manage time Sleep PE Healthy eating Breathing exercises Relaxation Visualisation / Imagery

Relaxation Uses music and words to put you in a more relaxed state Practicing Relaxation techniques Feelings of CONFIDENCE, CALM, FREE from stress/tension REFRESHED, RENEWED, FOCUSED RELAXED, PEACEFUL Brain Responds Relaxation Uses music and words to put you in a more relaxed state Activates Parasympathetic Nervous Slows down - Breathing rate, heart rate, and brain waves; Improves – immune system, digestion, sleep; lowers - blood pressure, blood sugar; pupils dilate; muscles relax. Stress hormones (i.e. noradrenalin, adrenaline) decrease = calm, level, normal body functioning

Relaxation – improves Relaxation - feeling increases reduces Mood Concentration Confidence Immune System Sleeping Creativity Skin Conditions Calmer/Clearer Thinking Problem Solving Efficiency Memory Relaxation - feeling Calm Smoother emotions increases Energy Alertness Mental Clarity Productivity reduces Stress Anxiety Panic Pain Headaches

Make A Change

The Importance of Sleep If we don’t get enough sleep, we risk reducing our: • decision-making skills • memory • concentration and efficiency • alertness • awareness and ability to respond effectively to     situations • reaction and thinking times.

How can we improve our quality of sleep? Avoid big changes to your sleep routine, such as lengthy lie-ins on weekends. Avoid doing work close to bed time so that your brain can ‘wind down’. Avoid screens and stressful discussions/activities close to bedtime. Create a relaxing pre-bed routine, free from over-stimulation from screens, sugar and caffeine.  Incorporate exercise into your day, but not too close to bedtime.  Allow enough time in between dinner and sleep so that you aren’t too full and your body won’t be busy digesting food.  Write down any thoughts or concerns to help avoid them ‘buzzing’ around your head. 

How can we ‘wind down’ before bed? •Turn phones off!  •Have some alone time, listen to music, read a book (for enjoyment!) or relax doing yoga.  •Get some fresh air by taking a relaxing walk.  Have a bath

" There is a time for many words, and there is also a time for sleep."                                                 Homer

How to look after your brain

Start with a blank timetable   Mon 2nd Tue 3rd Wed 4th Thu 5th Fri 6th Sat 7th Sun 8th Mon 9th Tue 10th Wed 11th Thu 12th Fri 13th Sat 14th Sun 15th 9.00 9.30 10.00 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 3.30 4.00 4.30

Fill in Known Times Mon 2nd Tue 3rd Wed 4th Thu 5th Fri 6th Sat 7th Sun 8th Mon 9th Tue 10th Wed 11th Thu 12th Fri 13th Sat 14th Sun 15th 9.00 Holiday               Day Off 9.30 10.00 Homes Under the Hammer 10.30 11.00 11.30 12.00 12.30 1.00 LUNCH 1.30 2.00 2.30 3.00 X BOX SNAPCHAT 3.30 4.00 4.30

Think about: A recommendation of about 4 hours per day, for about 12 of the 17 days = approx 50 hrs. Divided up between your subjects Consider what percentage of each subject is assessed on the exam (Maths is 100%, but some are only 40%). Make sure you’re devoting enough time to your Core subjects. Click to add text

Top Tips for Easter Revision

So, what are you going to do? Write yourself a 5 point plan to … … over the exam season