Announcements 3/5/12 Prayer Grayson Tues office hours: 3-5 pm instead of 4-6 pm. Exam 2 review: next lecture I’m passing out exam review problems for sign up Only 6 review problems 4.5 students per problem Don’t be the 5th person to sign up for a problem until all problems have 4 people 7 minutes per group Email me your solution in pdf form by 1:45 pm Wednesday; that will count as HW 17. Be sure to list your group members in the email. Exam 2 goes from Wednesday until Saturday night No homework on Thursday or next week Tuesday.
Daily Comic
Reading Quiz Young’s classic experiment produces interference between how many slits? 1 2 3 4 more than 4
Reading Quiz In Young’s experimental setup, the light will typically produce more visible fringes if it comes from a small source a large source doesn’t depend on source size
Young’s 2-slit experiment
Young’s experiment with extended source Source is made up of a bunch of noncoherent points (infinite number)
What’s given on the exam Not given: