Erbyn diwedd y wers heddiw byddwch chi’n gallu Gwers 27 Erbyn diwedd y wers heddiw byddwch chi’n gallu trafod y gorffennol YN GYMRAEG! By the end of today’s lesson you will be able to discuss the past YN GYMRAEG.
Adolygu Faint o’r gloch yw hi?
Yr Amser Gorffennol – “Mynd” (The Past Tense – “to go”) Es i = I went Est ti = You went (s.) Aeth e = He went Aeth hi = She went Aeth John = John went Aethon ni = We went Aethoch chi = You went (pl.) Aethon nhw = They went
Es i i weld ffrindiau. = I went to see friends. Es i i’r gêm. = I went to the game. Es i am dro. = I went for a walk. Es i i’r gwaith. = I went to work. Ble est ti ddoe? = Where did you go yesterday? Ble aethoch chi neithiwr?= Where did you go last night? Es i ddim i’r dafarn. = I didn’t go to the pub. Es i ddim i Abertawe. = I didn’t go to Swansea. Es i ddim i’r pwll nofio. = I didn’t go to the swimming pool. Est ti i’r banc bore ddoe?= Did you go to the bank yesterday morning? Aethoch chi i Aberystwyth? = Did you go to Aberystwyth? DO/NADDO = Yes/No
Yr Amser Gorffennol – “Mynd” (Y Negyddol – The Negative) Es i ddim = I didn’t go Est ti ddim = You didn’t go (s.) Aeth e ddim = He didn’t go Aeth hi ddim = She didn’t go Aeth John ddim = John didn’t go Aethon ni ddim = We didn’t go Aethoch chi ddim = You didn’t go (pl.) Aethon nhw ddim = They didn’t go
Ges i gyri. = I had a curry. Ges i beint. = I had a pint. Ges i bysgod. = I had fish. Ges i frechdanau. = I had sandwiches. Ges i ddim byd. = I didn’t have anything. Ges i ddim gwin. = I didn’t have any wine. Beth gest ti neithiwr? = What did you have last night? Beth gaethoch chi? = What did you have? Gest ti hwyl?/ Gaethoch chi hwyl? = Did you have fun? DO/NADDO = Yes/No
Beth gest ti i fwyta? = What did you have to eat? Beth gaethoch chi i yfed?= What did you have to drink? Ges i dost i frecwast. = I had toast for breakfast. Ges i frechdan i ginio. = I had a sandwich for dinner. Ges i gyw iâr i de. = I had chicken for tea. Ges i gyri, sglodion a gwin i swper! = I had curry, chips and wine for supper! Beth gest ti cyn mynd i’r gwely? = What did you have before going to bed?