Hierarchy of Experience Johnson, D.J. & Myklebust, H.R. Learning Disabilities, Grune & Stratton, New York, 1967 Conceptualization Abstraction of ideas, generalization, abstract problem solving categorical reasoning Symbolization Ability to represent experience through language either verbally or nonverbally Imagery/memory Comprehensive frame of reference for information and the sequence and storing of it Perception Ability to differentiate between stimuli via the sensory channels and for the brain to give stimuli meaning Sensation Activation of sensorineural structures
Understanding Differences How may one perceive sounds if auditory processing is a weakness? the written word if visual processing is a weakness? the visual world if their vision is limited? visual instructions if he or she processes their visual world differently when compared to the average person?
Hierarchy of Experience and Neurodevelopmental Constructs Synthesis between AT the Hierarchy of Experience and Neurodevelopmental Constructs
Conceptualization/Higher Order Cognition: problem solving, attach new areas of learning, think creatively Symbolization/Language: to articulate and understand language Imagery-memory/Temporal-sequential Ordering: reciting the alphabet, knowing when to push the button in “Jeopardy”, understanding time sequence, sequential awareness & Saliency Determination, Depth/Detail Processing, Idea maintenance, Procedure storage, Pattern Recognition/Method Transfer, Recall Perception/Spatial Ordering: ability to distinguish between a circle from a square or to use images to remember related information, visual motor integration and is closely related to time and sequence (memory) Sensation/Neuromotor Functions: coordination of motor or muscle functions, eye hand coordination Seen throughout the levels of the Hierarchy /Attention: ability to concentrate on one thing rather than another, to finish a task, sleep/arousal balance, saliency determination. Motivation is needed.
Sensation/Neuromotor Functions Definition: Activation of sensorineural structures Difficulties with: smell touch hearing vision fine motor function gross motor function eye hand coordination
A.T. at the level of Sensation Hearing: Assistive Listening Devices, Hearing Aids, Text rather than auditory information, Sign Language, Visual Signaling Devices Vision: Magnification of text (a good starting size is 18 font) Screen Readers, Braille, Auditory Signaling Devices, Auditory rather than visual information, Verbal description of visuals Motor Deficits: Large buttons, Track Ball, Pen Grips, Voice Activated Computing
Perception/Spatial Ordering Definition: Ability to differentiate between stimuli via the sensory channels and for the brain to give stimuli meaning Difficulties may be in any of the following areas: Visual Auditory Tactile Directionality/Kinetic Perception/Haptic Processing
Difficulties: Visual Perception Deficits (understanding what you see) distinguishing differences between things distinguish visual details filling in missing parts in pictures distinguish general characteristics visual-motor perception (i.e. click on right side) What might signal trouble in this area?
A.T. at the level of Visual Perception Text to Speech High contrast Color Magnification of Text Speech to Text Tactical References Touch Screens Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome and Dyslexia Ta
Difficulties: Auditory Perception distinguish differences between sounds/voices distinguishing specific words or numbers distinguish general sound patterns blending parts of words together
A.T. at the level of Auditory Perception Text to Speech Assistive Listening Devices for attention deficits Software that helps one learn the parts of speech Software that helps one practice pronunciation Captioning of spoken words Visual signals for auditory signals Ta
Difficulties: knowing how to process what one touches or where ones body is in time and space (Directionality, Kinetic Perception, Haptic Processing) Note Haptic Processing involves learning through touch, feel, and movement Definitions of Haptic on the Web: Pertaining to the sense of touch, from the Greek word haptein, to grasp. There are four types of sensory neurons (mechanoreceptors) involved in or relating to or proceeding from the sense of touch; "haptic data"; "a tactile reflex" Haptic, from the Greek αφή (Haphe), means pertaining to the sense of touch. It is the earliest sense to develop in the fetus, and the development of infants' haptic senses, and how that relates to the development of the other senses such as vision, has been the target of much research. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haptic