The “Era of Good Feelings” (1816-1824) Mark Gonzalez and MS Susan Pojer Grace Christian Academy of MD
The Era of “Good Feeling”? Period of time after the War of 1812 during Monroe’s two terms as president (1817-1825) Myth of national harmony Republicans in power Awakening nationalism-pride and expansion New National Bank-2nd National Bank
Moved people Moved manufactured goods Moved raw materials Early Economic and Transportation Achievements-Vital to a national and an industrial economy Moved people Moved manufactured goods Moved raw materials
1. First Turnpike Lancaster, PA (1790) By 1832, nearly 2400 mi. of road connected most major cities.
2. Cumberland “National Road,” 1811 (Route US 40) Helped lead to the settlement of the West Tolls paid for construction and maintenance * Daniel Boone helped open the way through the Cumberland Gap –video clip
3. Conestoga Covered Wagons Conestoga Trail, 1820s
4. Robert Fulton & the Steamboat Steamboats like The Clermont made navigation of rivers faster, cheaper and easier
5. Erie Canal System-364 miles long-effective, but very costly and replaced by railroads
The Erie Canal, 1820s
6. Railroads- the most reliable and rapid links between cities by the 1830..competed w/ and then replaced canals
A National Economy and Culture
Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin, 1791 Actually invented by a slave! Easily sep.cotton fiber from seeds Led to cotton becoming king in the south-more slaves needed
Its Official-American English is a dialect Education more emphasized An American form of English Noah Webster’s dictionary
The Birth of American Literature A well-defined American literature Washington Irving The Sketch Book, 1819-20 “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”
American Politics in the “Era of Good Feelings”
The Election of 1816
James Monroe [1816-1824] Handpicked by Madison 3rd successive Virginian Qualified politically, but not intellectually Goal: “to promote good feelings” economically and politically
Secretary of State John Quincy Adams: A bulldog among spaniels!
The West & the NW: 1819-1824
The Convention of 1818
Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819-negotiated w/ Spain by Sec Adams-Onis Treaty, 1819-negotiated w/ Spain by Sec. of State John Q Adams-Florida given to the US by Spain
US Population Density 1810 1820
The Election of 1820-Monroe re-elected
Henry Clay’s American System Henry Clay, “The Great Compromiser” the protective Tariff of 1816 Second Bank of the U. S. (a national bank) Internal improvements at federal expense. - National Road Henry Clay, “The Great Compromiser”
The American System
The American System by region WEST got roads, canals, and federal aide. EAST got the backing of protective tariffs from the West. SOUTH why did it not benefit so much from the American system??
The Panic of 1819-caused by inflation, bankruptcies and debt-nationalistic feelings a bit shaken CAUSES???
The Compromise of 1820 (The Missouri Compromise): A Firebell in the Night!
The Tallmadge Amendment proposal All slaves born in Missouri after the territory became a state would be freed at the age of 25. Passed by the House, not in the Senate. The North controlled the House, and the South had enough power to block it in the Senate.
The Monroe Doctrine, 1823 Referred to as America’s Self-Defense Doctrine. Gives US the right to act as a “police power” in L.A. Europe should stay out of the Western Hemisphere What warning is given to the European countries? What foreign policy principles are established? Monroe Doctrine What would the US do if the warning was not headed?
The End of the Era of Good Feelings: The Election of 1824: The “Corrupt Bargain”-Jackson robbed of the election
The Election of 1824: The “Corrupt Bargain” Candidate Popular Vote Electoral Vote Andrew Jackson 43% 99 J.Q. Adams 31% 32 William Crawford 13% 41 Henry Clay 37 Jackson won a plurality but not a majority of electoral votes-The house of Reps, then persuaded his supporters to vote for Adams, Jackson lost