The objective of the questionnaire


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Presentation transcript:

Results Generated from the questionnaire disseminated prior to the workshop

The objective of the questionnaire To better understand census mapping activities at the country level To invite country experiences with the goal of providing a forum for further collaboration on the effective use of spatial statistics technologies for producing and disseminating demographic data To support the development and management of the workshop and future activities To understand what technical training is needed on the use of GIS technologies for census mapping activities

Key Questions by Section of the Questionnaire Institutional and Organizational Aspects (Part B) Q8.List the main tasks of the census mapping unit/division responsible for census mapping. Q9.Does the census mapping unit/divisioncollaborate with other departments/divisions within the NSO? Mapping Acitivites (Part C) Q18. Describe the current census mapping projects/activities. Q19. Describe where the census mapping projects/activities are heading (plans to integrate new methods and technologies). Q20.Is your NSO currently producing base maps for census mapping activities?

Key Questions by Section of the Questionnaire Mapping Issues (Part D) Q23.Has your NSO identified key issues for census mapping activities that you are currently working on? Q24.List key issues you are working on. Q25.Can you identify any topics/issues of census mapping activities for which data are lacking in your country (EA issues, geocoding, etc.)? Use of GIS in Census Mapping (Part E) Q27.Does your Office/Organization have a GIS? Q28.Name the GIS software used in your Office/Organization. Q30.State major uses of GIS datasets in your Office/Organization

Key Questions by Section of the Questionnaire Collection and Compilation of Census Mapping Data (Part F) Q33.Is there a country initiative to improve the collection of census mapping data (maps, images, vector/raster data) relevant for addressing census mapping issues through the use of GIS? Q37.Does your country have a special method for the delineation of enumeration areas? Presentation and Dissemination of Census Geography Data (Part G) Does your NSO produce and disseminate census maps? Training (Part H) Q42.Have you had any training in census mapping with GIS Q44.Please list any expectations you have from the upcoming workshop so that we may be able to address them?

UNSD Questionnaire on Census Geography Management: Global Scope of country responses by question & section # of respondents by country question number corresponding to questionnaire

The main tasks of the census mapping unit/division) are the following: Key Responses to Section on Institutional and Organizational Aspects (Part B) Almost all NSO’s have a special unit responsible for census mapping with staffing ranging from 10’s to 100’s. The main tasks of the census mapping unit/division) are the following: Collecting data from various census and surveys to generate tables at different administrative levels. Develop a database of information (not limited to census and surveys) that can be geographically referenced. Prepare base maps and EA maps for censuses and surveys Updating base maps and GIS information Provide geographic information on enumeration areas for censuses and surveys Prepare and publish updated maps which include thematic and statistical maps Within the organizational structure of the NSO, the census mapping unit is commonly located in the NSO Census division.

Key Responses to Section on Institutional and Organizational Aspects (Part B) Close to all census mapping agencies collaborate regularly/occasionally with other departments & other NS offices or divisions within the NSO. Just over 50% of countries have statistical laws or laws governing the statistical production that explicitly deal with the production and/or dissemination of census data and/or maps. Many NSO’s have groups of national users of census maps and spatial data such as private and public institutions to help identify core issues and data needs of users More than half the country respondents have a National Spatial Data Infrastructure with several others proposed or in-the-works. The number of thematic areas (i.e. health, economics, labour, etc.) of statistics for which the provision of census mapping is required by law varies.

Key Responses to Section on Mapping Acitivites (Part C) Currently, most NSO’s are heavily engaged census mapping projects/activities Most are integrating (or plan to)new methods and technologies into census mapping activities More than half are currently producing base maps for census mapping activities Scales range largely from 1:1000 to 1:1,000,000 depending on the application (Country level, district level etc.)

Key Responses to Section on Mapping Issues (Part D) A summary of some the key issues for census mapping are: Mapping of individual sites & specific areas (health/slums etc.) Mapping of EA’s and related issues (digitizing/coding/splitting) Preparing and maintaining a spatial database of digital information and associated attribute attribute data Using new technologies for census mapping operations Preparing maps and databases for the operation of the census Educating the NSO office of the importance of geographic data and information Acquiring better resolution imagery & increased GPS accuracy for mapping operations Improving training/recruiting staff in GIS & census mapping Close to all NSO’s are currently addressing key issues for census mapping. Mapping of individual sites and specific types of areas (health centers, historic sites, slums, informal settlements)

Key Responses to Section on Mapping Issues (Part D) In identifying topics of census mapping for which data are lacking it was found that: # of respondents Possible reasons for the lack of data or information varied with the lack of imagery standing out as the largest (preferred or initial acquisition), followed by Geocoding.

Key Responses to Section on the Use of GIS in Census Mapping (Part E) Almost all NSO census mapping units have a GIS The main reasons GIS was introduced were: To improve information processing and quality of data collected To facilitate better decision-making. Increased request by data users.

Major uses by category and number of responses(Part E): Demographic & Social Statistics Economic Statistics Environment Statistics # of responses

Key Responses to Section on the Use of GIS in Census Mapping (Part E) Major problems encountered in using GIS

Key Responses to Section on the Collection and Compilation of Census Mapping Data (Part F) Almost all country respondents have an initiative to improve the collection of census mapping data (maps, images, and vector/raster data) relevant for addressing census mapping issues through the use of GIS Many countries have special methods for the delineation of enumeration areas- several did not define a method Close to half of the country respondents have any initiative to improve the collection of data on topics of census mapping concerning mapping activities through Geocoding Point 1-These initiatives may be explained and expanded on later in further detail by the participants and in presentations

Key Responses to Section on the Presentation and Dissemination of Census Geography Data (Part G) The majority of NSO’s regularly produce and disseminate census maps (thematic, statistical, topographic, etc.) The remaining plan to produce and disseminate census maps Several countries refer to documents published online for widespread use

Key Responses to Section on Training (Part H) Just over half the respondent NSO’s have had no training in census mapping with GIS either through workshops, formal/academic training, short and/or long term Several individually delegated respondents by country have had individual training Training of individual countries varies based on the level of GIS infrastructure use in census mapping activities

The expectations according to you… All participants are interested in gaining knowledge -be it increased or initial- on mapping and analysis of population dynamics using GIS. This includes: Managing and Using data in a GIS Using this data to produce useful tools such as maps and analysis outputs Better understand the usefulness of new technologies which include free and open source software applications as well as commercial software and hardware. Several expressed the need for increased understanding of the role of GPS in census-taking Several touched on the need to better understand geocoding, EA delineation methods. Using this data to produce useful tools such as maps and analysis outputs for gaining an increased understanding the dynamics of country demographics

Results Generated from the questionnaire disseminated prior to the workshop: Regional Workshop Synopsis

Key issues for census mapping activities that NSO’s are currently working on: Egypt Integration of geospatial technologies with census mapping Organizational and Institutional issues; Training. Ethiopia Checking the accuracy of the digitized maps Joining the digitized area maps into specific zones Kenya Producing maps in digital formats Proper mapping of all urban and slum areas Integrating census and political boundaries at the local level

Key issues for census mapping activities that NSO’s are currently working on: Mauritius Producing a complete digital database of EA’s Produce thematic maps at EA level Splitting and merging EA's; Updating coding lists (localities, street names) Mozambique Preparing field maps for enumerators; Preparing the database for the census operations; Producing geocodes; Collaborating with others census sections

Key issues for census mapping activities that NSO’s are currently working on: Namibia Estimating Household sizes; Collecting data through the use of orthophotos. Sierra Leone Consistently updating topographic maps Entering point coordinates from field operations Adding and expanding existing attribute data in a GIS

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire According to the questionnaire responses, 85% of the countries use ESRI products (ArcInfo/ArcGIS or both) while 15% use Mapinfo (now called Pitney Bowes MapInfo)

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire: Some of the major uses of GIS datasets in NSO’s

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire: Special methods for the delineation of enumeration areas: Largely In-House with some outsourcing Delineation of Enumeration Area commonly conducted at the urban scale at the moment Scales for Enumeration Areas vary, with common ranges from 1:500 to 1:25,000 for urban and 1:10,000 to 1:50,000 (vary by case)

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire: Special methods for the delineation of enumeration areas: Kenya The delineation of EAs for the 2009 census is being done in-house 20 % of the country has been covered; 5 % of the slums covered one provincial region out of 8 has been covered. Significant improvement in the quality of maps for these currently mapped areas

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire: Special methods for the delineation of enumeration areas: Sierra Leone EA’s were delineated based on number of households where each EA constituted approximately between 80-120 households for urban areas Exceptions were made when distances were greater than or equal to 15 or more kilometres between localities in sparsely populated areas In such cases, although the population was not up to 80 households, an EA was demarcated to consider travelling time for enumerators Base maps of scales between 5000-25,000 were used in the urban areas while scales of 50,000 was used in the rural areas, covering the entire country from regions, districts, sections and EA’s Having precise EA delineation greatly improved the quality of data collected

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire: Types of Thematic, Statistical, Topographic Maps produced and/or disseminated by NSO’s: Health Education Social Econmic Agricultural Communication. Census indicators Geographical Classifications Relative Development Index report Census Atlases Topographic Population density Population Distribution Migration Analysis Reports

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire: 50% of the questionnaire respondents have had training in census mapping with GIS either through workshops, formal/academic training, short and/or long term.

Regional Summaries According to the Questionnaire: Expectations according to the Lusaka Group Learn about an effective way of mapping the urban slums To be aware and make use of latest techniques on census mapping and GIS Make maximum use of GIS in organization and conduct of censuses and surveys GIS-based data analysis and dissemination Attention given specifically to GIS mapping and technology Further expand study tours on GIS to other regions Gain further knowledge on the use of GIS

Expanded Country Discussion Welcomed END Expanded Country Discussion Welcomed