The More We Get Together The more we get together, together, together, The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. For your friends are my friends And my friends are your friends, The more we get together, The happier we’ll be. Play We’re Going to the Zoo at the beginning; Book: Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell
Open Shut Them Open, shut them; open, shut them; Let your hands go clap, clap, clap. Open, shut them; open, shut them; Drop them in your lap, lap, lap. Walk them, walk them, walk them, walk them, Right up to your chin, chin, chin. Open your little mouth, But do not let them in!
I’m So Happy I’m so happy, I’m so happy, I’m so happy that everybody’s here. We’re so happy, we’re so happy, We’re so happy that everybody’s here.
Polar Bear, Polar Bear Polar bear, polar bear, turn around Polar bear, polar bear, touch the ground Polar bear, polar bear, stand on your toes Polar bear, polar bear, touch your nose Polar bear, polar bear show your paws Polar bear, polar bear hide your claws Polar bear, polar bear scratch your head Polar bear polar bear go to bed!
Shake My Sillies Out!
I went to visit the zoo one day I saw a _______ along the way! I Went to the Zoo One Day I went to visit the zoo one day I saw a _______ along the way! And what do you think I heard him say? ROAR! Use puppets – lion, snake, owl, elephant
The big gray elephant slowly walks. She doesn’t make a sound. She swings her trunk from left to right, When she puts her feet on the ground Swing, swing, left and right, Shhhh.
Flannel: Five Little Monkeys Zoo Edition Five little monkeys swinging in a tree Teasing Mr. Alligator, “can’t catch me!” Along came the alligator quiet as can be And SCARED that monkey right out of the tree! Continue with 4, 3, 2, 1…
Monkey See, Monkey Do Monkey see, monkey do Little monkey at the zoo Monkey, monkey in a tree Can you swing your arms like me? Continue with: jump around screech Monkey Puppet; narrow down to 3
Elephant Hokey Pokey You put your elephant trunk in, You put your elephant trunk out, And you shake them all about. You do the elephant pokey, And you stomp yourself around. That’s what it’s all about! Continue with: elephant foot, whole self Drop elephant ears
We shake our shakers together, We shake our shakers together, because it’s fun to do.
Shake them up high! Shake them down low Shake them in the middle!
Alligator, Hedgehog
If You’re an Animal and You Know It If you’re an elephant and you know it, stomp your feet! If you’re an elephant and you know it, then your face will surely show it! If you’re an elephant and you know it, stomp your feet! Continue with: monkey…jump up and down lion…roar animal…do all three Narrow down to three – drop croco
Skinnamarink Skinnamarinky dinky dink Skinnamarinky do, I love you! Skinnamarinky dinky dink Skinnamarinky do, I love you! I love you in the morning, And in the afternoon I love you in the evening, Underneath the moon… Skinnamarinky dinky dink Skinnamarinky do, I love you!