World Immunization Awareness BWHS UNICEF Club Meeting 4/13/18 Officers: Riya Verma, Sneha Gonuguntla, Sahil Gullapalli, and Smruti Shah
Introduction Vaccines keep children alive and healthy by protecting them against harmful diseases. Immunization is especially important for poverty stricken families because it offers life-saving care for mothers and children in isolated communities around the world. Vaccines are protecting more children than ever before. But, in 2015, nearly one in five infants –19.4 million children – missed out on the basic vaccines they needed to stay healthy. Almost one third of deaths among children under 5 are preventable by vaccines. UNICEF and its partners are working to change these numbers and ensure that the lives of all children are successfully protected with vaccines. Video Link
UNICEF In Action UNICEF leads global efforts to immunize children all around the world who may be unable to afford this simple solution to combat diseases. UNICEF’s immunization programs focus on: Purchasing vaccines for more than a third of the world’s children Engaging communities to explain the importance of child vaccinations Working towards a world without polio, measles, and rubella diseases Introducing powerful new vaccines that help children stay safe in developing countries
Eradicating Polio In 1988, there were 350,000 cases of polio in the world while in 2014, there were only 359 such cases. Polio is the leading cause of disability/paralysis in children in poverty-struck areas In 1988, UNICEF joined the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) and committed to provide oral polio vaccine to every child
Upcoming Events Chipotle Fundraiser: Yukon Drive Chipotle (Sunday, April 15th, 4 PM - 8 PM) Panera Fundraiser: Greenway Corporate Drive Panera (Thursday, May 24th, 4 PM - 8 PM) Mention BWHS UNICEF Club to the cashier while paying - Each Receipt = 1 Volunteer Service Hour - Send a photo of the receipt to (make sure time/date are visible) - You can write your name at the top of your receipt and turn it in at the next meeting Make sure to mention the fundraiser to friends, family, or even share via social media.
Ongoing Opportunities Free Rice: 1,500 rice grains = 1 Volunteer Service Hour Email us a screenshot showing your username and total rice grains Limit of 2 hours per semester UNICEF Math: $30 = 1 Volunteer Service Hour Answer simple math problems to raise money for UNICEF Education MORE EVENTS CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE: (
Officer Applications are due today! General Information 4 more hours by our last meeting of the school year (May 11th) please send us an email with your hours. Remember to have your hours in by the next meeting! Email us ahead of time if you will be unable to attend a meeting. You can have a maximum of two unexcused absences. You can see your total hours/attendance on the BWHS UNICEF Club Weebly Website via this link: Officer Applications are due today!
Contact Us Email: Remind: Text @bwunicef to 81010 Website:
Next UNICEF Club Meeting: Friday, May 25th at 8:40 AM This presentation can be found under the “Updates” tab on our website