Sugar Situation
Use is Up!!!
Prices have Rebounded
Mexican Sugar has been Vanquished!
NAFTA Came into effect in 1994 Sugar provisions fully implemented in 2008 Allowed unlimited, tariff free trade of sugar between Mexico and the United States
Source: Economic Research Service, USDA
HFCS Substitution Relatively low cost US HFCS was substituted for sugar Primarily displaced sugar in soda 1 million metric tons
Source: Economic Research Service, USDA
Source: Economic Research Service, USDA
Source: Economic Research Service, USDA
US Trade Complaint US sugar refiners complained of Mexican dumping -State and federal support of sugar production -Government ownership of 20% of the industry
Mexican exports limited to US needs less US production and imports from TRQ nations 53% of exports to US must be refined sugar Mexican government will allocate exports by producer Minimum prices at 26 ¢/pound refined sugar. 22.25 ¢/pound other sugar Remedy
Not everything is rosy…
Key Factors Use is up Mexican anti-dumping dispute is settled Anti-GMO is a significant concern