Reclassification: Fluent English Proficient


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Presentation transcript:

Reclassification: Fluent English Proficient Language Development and Instruction Services and Support October 2018

Reclassification Signifies… English learners have the… ability to meet State’s proficient level of achievement on State assessments. ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English. opportunity to participate fully in society in English. US Department of Education and Department of Justice, 2016 Let’s note how the US Department of Education and the Department of Justice define Reclassification: A student who is reclassified is able to fully and meaningfully participate and be successful in an all English classroom, including being able to meet and or exceed achievement levels on state assessments; and to fully participate in society in English.

Local Control Accountability Plan English Learner Goals Annual Progress in English Language Proficiency Academic Achievement in ELA and Math Increase in the Rate of Reclassification These are the goals for English Learners reflected on LCAP, our Federal Title III Plan, and at the site level on the Single Plan for Student Achievement.

Achieving Reclassification… When an English Learner no longer needs English language support, that student is no longer called EL. Now that student is known as an R-FEP (Reclassified -- Fluent English Proficient) When a student is reclassified, they are no longer identified as an English Learner, EL they are identified as Fluent English Proficient R-FEP

Reclassification Criteria English Language Proficiency Academic Achievement Teacher Evaluation Parent/Guardian Opinion and Consultation Our reclassification criteria… The CELDT is the language metrics CAASPP and or Local Measures Reading is the achievement Metrics And important is teacher and parent input.

Reclassification Criteria English Language Proficiency English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) Academic Achievement District Local Measure Reading California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP)-English Language Arts Teacher Evaluation Proficiency Level Descriptors Parent/Guardian agrees reclassification is appropriate Parent/Guardian opinion, consultation, and involvement

ELD Standards and ELPAC

Reclassification Criteria English Language Proficiency Written Language Level 4 (Grade K) Midpoint 3.5 and above (Grades 1-6) Oral Language Overall Proficiency Level 4 (Grades K-6)

Reclassification Criteria Academic Achievement Accuracy 85-100% Comprehension 3 correct High Frequency Words Reading 45-50 Grade K Local Measure Reading Reading Accuracy 95-100% Comprehension 4-5 correct Fluency 60+ words per minute Grade 1 Midpoint of approaching and above for grade level Grades 2-6 Local Measure/Level Set Reading Midpoint of Standard Nearly Met and above for grade level Grades 3-6 CAASPP-ELA

Reclassification Criteria Teacher Evaluation Student is at the Bridging level on the English Language Development (ELD) report card Teacher agrees the student is performing successfully in all academic areas

Reclassification Criteria Parent/Guardian Opinion and Consultation Parent/Guardian agrees that reclassification is appropriate

Timeline for Reclassification October/November Schools notify parents when their child is a candidate for reclassification Special attention is placed on students in sixth grade for reclassification There will be two windows for reclassification- in February and in May. Parents will be notified if their child is a candidate for reclassification. Special attention is placed on 6th grade students to reclassify them before they leave for middle school.

What Happens After Reclassification? Your child will not take the ELPAC Teachers monitor your child’s progress for 4 years to see if support is needed The is an R-FEP No longer takes the CELDT and will be closely monitored for 2 years

Next Steps… New State Guidance on Reclassification January 2019

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