The plan of conference: The date of celebration Symbols, traditions, customs. Christmas Legends Traditional Christmas Meals
The 25th of December ENGLAND
The 7th of January
Christmas Symbols and traditions in Russia
Visiting church Yolka Christmas cards
English Christmas symbols and Traditions New Year`s Tree Father Christmas
Mistletoe Poinsettia Christmas cards Holly
Christmas candles and bells Stockings
The English like Boxing Day Decoration houses
Legends about Christmas in England Father Christmas
Legends about Christmas in Russia Дед Мороз Снегурочка
English Christmas meal
Mince Pies Fried goose Сhristmas turkey Christmas pudding
Christmas meal in Russia
Sochivo The fried and stuffed pig The goose or a duck a goose or a duck
Christmas pie Boiled pork Gammon
Hello, my friends. My name`s Father christmas Hello, my friends! My name`s Father christmas. I am very busy before Christmas, but I see you are good at school. I hope you help your parents and friends? I`d like to know about your life more. What was new this year? What presents would you like to have? Write me! But now I`m hurry, yours F.Ch. See you on Christmas!
The conference is over. WELL DONE!