WH questions ask for information. FUNCTION WH questions ask for information.
Wh-question words Question Word Function Example What Asking for information What is he playing? What do you like to eat? When Asking about time When is the party? When will you come? Who Asking for a person Who do you live with? Who can play chess? Where Asking for a place or position Where is my book? Where does he live? Why Asking for reason Why are you happy? Why do you think that?
Wh question words Question Word Function Example How Asking about feelings or manner. How are you? How does this work? Which Asking about choice Which pencil did you buy? Which animal does he prefer? Whose Asking about ownership or possession Whose sweater is this? Whose shoes are these? How + Adj/Adv Asking about age, frequency, quantity, etc. How old is your mother? How often do you eat meat? How many lions do you see?
WH QUESTION + AUXILIAR + SUBJECT + VERB 1. WH QUESTION + AUXILIAR + SUBJECT + VERB Examples What do you like to do on the weekends? Where does she live? Why did he buy that car? How can you say that? When will they come to your house?
WH QUESTION + VERB TO BE + SUBJECT 2. WH QUESTION + VERB TO BE + SUBJECT Examples in Present What is he doing? Where are we? Why are you so sad? How is Mary? When are you travelling to Paris? Examples in Past What was she doing when I came home? Where were they? Why was she late? How was the movie? When was the Second World War?
WHICH + SUBJECT + AUXILIAR Which book do you prefer? Which house does she like? Which car did you buy? Which song can you sing? WHOSE + SUBJECT + VERB TO BE Whose keys are these? Whose pencil case is this? Whose house was this? Whose books were these?