Leaves - I
Blade Parts of a Leaf Petiole
Simple leaves
Pinnately Compound Leaves Rachis Petiole
Palmately compound leaf
Dicot leaves have net venation
Many monocot (grass) leaves have parallel venation
In many monocots, such as taro (or elephant ears) the venation is not totally parallel
Ginkgo has dichotomous venation
Privet (Ligustrum) dicot leaf
Privet (Ligustrum) leaf
Lilac (dicot) leaf
Lilac leaf sections
Soybean (dicot) leaf
Brome grass (monocot) with uniform mesophyll
Poa (blue grass) leaf
Corn has a modified anatomy called Kranz anatomy Corn (monocot) leaf Corn has a modified anatomy called Kranz anatomy