Effective Self-Assessment in the Community Steve Hyland & Leandri van Zyl
West Kent College Tonbridge, Kent 12,000 part-time students 2,300 full time students Age range between 16 and 89 Over 500 courses across a range of subject areas
Self-assessment New Skills, New Lives is the product of a progressive partnership between criminal justice agencies, FE colleges, training providers and employers New Skills, New Lives has been specifically developed to improve the skills and employment prospects of offenders in Kent New Skills, New Lives is a comprehensive package of education, vocational training, employment and support for offenders in Kent
Findings from the self-assessment process Deliberately targeted a hard to reach, disadvantaged group Created a delivery framework that the group are comfortable with Recruited the best staff to deliver that framework, regardless of their background Extended the full offer of the college Provided an advocacy service
Findings from the self-assessment process cont. 6. Facilitated interviews in custody to accommodate ROTL requirements 7. Written bespoke learning materials. 8. Involved specialist partners and wraparound IAG 9. Removed the ‘college’ barrier 10. Learner voice
Discussion and activity