Day 17 putrescent misdeed culpability set off any putrescent stink bombs lately inquired william with a trace of sarcasm in his voice as he referred to the incident in the 7th grade when orson had been caught for his misdeed by dean dread. his culpability was revealed when a misfired spell of felicias put mauve streaks in his hare that matched the smoke
Day 18 sycophants dapper pulchritudinous suddenly orson’s sycophants danny dapper and petra pulchritudinous came up behind him ready to back up there friend just as orson spies a teacher approaching
Day 19 19. cohorts epithets ominously B - when orson and his cohorts strutted by Isabelle and friends they muttered a few nasty choice epithets and threats under their breathe as they past by. as he raised a fisted hand in the air orson threatened ominously me and my freinds will make toast of you later
Day 20 bravado infuriate pulchritudinous ingenuous me and my friends is trembling william said with false bravado. isabelle hushed him before he could infuriate orson any further. i see that petra pulchritudinous has already changed her clothes in the girls bathroom
Day 21 putrid jocose alacrity i no her family and her mother would never let her wear a skirt that short to school she finished. another putrid yellow school bus pulls up to the curb. jesse jocose leapt off the bus with alacrity he walked quickly up to his freinds
Day 22 regale sultry simmering hey dudes and lades hows it going. i cant wait to regale you with all i learned at the tubular computer camp I attended this sultry simmering summer. now i can really hack. hey william he said as he thumped his buddy on the back got any new poems
Day 23 ambled ebony everyone rolled their eyes and groaned. another girl exited her bus and ambled over to the group to. she had intricately braided ebony hair and a hardback book as usual in her hand. this one was entitled pride and prejudice
Day 24 virtuous bailiwick as she was greeted the usually shy vivian virtuous turned to the boys with excitement. william jesse i learned a gnu form of poetry in my summer writing course she bubbled. youll love it. its in your bailiwick. haiku
Day 25 rejoined portals lingered at least its different from limericks and cinquains rejoined isabelle whom really liked williams poems but pretended otherwise. on that note the 9 friends gathered there stuff walked to the double portals where eighth grade homerooms were posted checked out the lists found their names and then lingered together until the warning bell rang