Carrying out Practical Tasks The sequence of tasks
The scientific method Scientists have been developing the scientific method for hundreds of years. There have been slight modifications, but essentially it has remained a successful method for experimental procedures
An overview of the process On the following slide there are a selection of boxes. Each boxes fills the space of one of the empty boxes at the bottom of this chart. In pairs move your copies around and discuss the correct sequence. You will be asked to justify your choice
Where do they belong? Read the procedure and check to see if there is anything you do not understand. Use appropriate equipment to obtain more reliable/accurate data Evaluate your investigation and suggest improvements Calibrate instruments when necessary Carry out simple numerical calculations on the data Carry out a health and safety check of your working area Follow the instructions one step at a time Recognise and use the standard lab equipment and glassware provided Set out your work area and collect together the equipment and materials you need Recognise when it is more appropriate to repeat readings – it is in most instances Carry out a risk assessment specific to the activity you are doing Identify possible sources of error and repeat observations to improve reliability Present data in tables, bar-charts, histograms etc and other visual images, as appropriate Prepare equipment for use, including data logging equipment where appropriate Make accurate observations and measurements, using appropriate equipment Analyse and interpret your results using the data collected – make use of graphs etc.