FD TIG mid-week report Date: 2018-09-12 Authors: September 2018 Name Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 September 2018 FD TIG mid-week report Date: 2018-09-12 Authors: Name Affiliations Address Phone email James Gilb GA-ASI, USD, GenXComm, Gilb Consulting Gilb_IEEE@yahoo.com Slide 1 1 1 Page 1 John Doe, Some Company
Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 September 2018 Abstract Mid-week report for 802.11 FD TIG (Full Duplex Technical Interest Group) September 2018 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, HI USA Chair: James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting, GenXComm) Slide 2 James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting, GenXComm) 2 2 Page 2 John Doe, Some Company
The FD-TIG feels that the FD-TIG report is essentially complete September 2018 Mid-week report The FD-TIG feels that the FD-TIG report is essentially complete Request that 802.11 members review the report and provide comments by email or by attending Thursday PM1 Report: 11-18-0498-05 Respond to Gilb_IEEE@gmail.com and Yan.Xin@huawei.com FD-TIG will consider report approval, Thursday PM1 Intention to ask WG to approve SG formation this Friday For EC approval at November 2018 plenary Request to extend TIG until the end of November 2018 plenary Slide 3 James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting, GenXComm) 3
Additional FD-TIG tasks for September to November The WG has extensive experience with defining the key performance parameters of the PHY layer With FD, there are different key performance parameter e.g., self interference cancellation Need PHY experts to discuss how this should be specified Identify the clauses and subclauses of 802.11-2019 that will be potentilally affected. Use cases with numbers, i.e., # of stations, type of traffic Identify simulation environments, channel models to use. Slide 4 James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting, GenXComm) 4
Additional FD-TIG tasks for September to November The WG has extensive experience with defining the key performance parameters of the PHY layer With FD, there are different key performance parameter e.g., self interference cancellation Need PHY experts to discuss how this should be specified Identify the clauses and subclauses of 802.11-2019 that will be potentilally affected. Use cases with numbers, i.e., # of stations, type of traffic Identify simulation environments, channel models to use. Slide 5 James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting, GenXComm) 5
Peiwei Wang will present a short video showing FD operation September 2018 FD demonstrations Peiwei Wang will present a short video showing FD operation Reference documents 11-18-1588-00 (presentation) and 11-18- 1634-01 (document describing results. Thursday AM1 Live remote FD demo with colleagues in Ottawa Will stream video and have Q&A Refer to the FD-TIG draft report for other demonstrated FD systems Slide 6 James Gilb (GA-ASI, USD, Gilb Consulting, GenXComm) 6