Types of Inheritances III Pp 237, 242-245
Multigene Traits More than one gene is responsible for a trait (phenotype)
Epistasis One gene affects the outcome of the other gene Ex: Labrador Retriever's coats are controlled by two genes: E and B. - E gene: if pigment is present or absent - B gene: how much pigment is present
Polygenic traits
Polygenic traits These traits are continuous and many genes are responsible for producing one trait Actual number is unknown but it is hypothesized that up to 16 genes are responsible for eye color
Environmental Environment such as soil pH can influence the expression of a gene
Ex: More testosterone = more baldness Sex-influenced trait Similar to environmental influenced trait but think of the human body as an internal environment Controlled by autosomes, but influenced by sex hormones Specific hormones influence trait/genotype Ex: More testosterone = more baldness
Scientists Have Observed Epigenetic Memories Being Passed Down For 14 Generations
Epigenetics The study of changes in an organism’s phenotype without a change in genotype Environmental exposures can change the way your DNA works (without changing the DNA itself) and passed on to your offspring. Changes have to occur in the gametes (not body cells)
What type of inheritance determines skin color?