Kamal Nayan Pradhan Ashish Rai Motivation Kamal Nayan Pradhan Ashish Rai 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Motivation Military leadership is the process of influencing others to accomplish the mission by providing purpose, direction, and motivation. 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Motivation one of the main functions of a Manager Setting Objectives and Planning Organizing the Group Motivating and Communicating Measuring Performance Developing People 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Motivation one of the major competencies of emotional intelligence Emotional Self-Awareness Emotional Self-Regulation Emotional Self-Motivation Empathy Nurturing Relationships 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Motivation Motivation is an inner positive energy, a combination of enthusiasm & clear perception that enables us to accomplish a task. Motivation is an urge to perform certain act(s) willingly and enthusiastically towards the attainment of some common objectives. 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
How do you motivate your employee? How could I motivate my subordinate? I do not control perks, privilege and other financial benefits. I follow the time proven motivation technique of stick and carrot. I offer good financial package to my people and if anybody misbehave, I sort him out with my stick. I take care of them. I try to solve the problem of good employees and admonish the bad guys. I kick him in the back; they keep on moving. You can’t move these people with the help of your western management theories. These theories are bookish and only meant to be appreciated in the so-called management seminars. They are hardly applicable in our working environment. Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Motivation Motivation must come from within each person. No manager is ever the single and continuing source of motivation. Manager's encouragement, support, inspiration, and example will at times motivate staff 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Employee motivation Motivation at work is concerned with an individual’s performance. A manager may influence a subordinate’s performance in three ways: By improving the technical system By developing abilities By positively influencing motivation Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
What can managers do to motivate? Understanding individuals: What makes an individual work towards higher performance? Fulfillment of individual needs will motivate people and contribute to higher performance. 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Two factor model of work motivation Hygiene factors organization's policy working condition Interpersonal relationship supervision salary Motivators Advancement Responsibility Recognition Achievement work itself Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
work motivation Management should focus on rearranging work so that motivators take effect. Three ways in which this could be done: Job enlargement Job rotation Job enrichment 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
The hygiene factor describe man’s relationship to the context or environment in which he does his job. One cluster of factor relates to what the person does and the other to the situation in which he does it. 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Need Achievement Model Three types of people: Achievement oriented Power oriented Affiliation oriented Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Achievement oriented manager: Characteristics: set moderately difficult but potentially achievable goals more concern with personal achievement than with the reward of success the desire for job-relevant feedback (how well am I doing) rather than for attitudinal feedback (how well do you like me) Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Achievement – oriented people as manager “Back bone of the organization” However, when they are promoted, when their success depends not only on their own work but on the activities of others, they may be less effective. Since they are highly job oriented and work to their capacity, they tend to expect others to do the same. As a result, they sometimes lack the human skills and patience necessary for being effective managers. Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Need for Affiliation Need for human companionship and reassurance from those around. Characteristics: a strong desire for approval and reassurance from others; a tendency to conform to the wishes and norms of others when pressured by people whose friendship they value; a sincere interest in feeling of others Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Power-motivated managers: Characteristics: Highly organization-minded. Feel responsible for building organizations to which they belong. Believe strongly in centralized authority. the power-motivated manager enjoys work for its own sake. Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Power-motivated…. The power-motivated manager enjoys work for its own sake. willing to sacrifice some of their own self- interest for the good of the organization. Have a strong sense of justice, feeling that hard work and sacrifice should be rewarded. Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Motivation in defense organization Serving as an ethical standard bearers. Developing cohesive soldiers teams. Recognizing and meeting soldier needs Serving as, and developing, positive role models. Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Research Findings: Leadership Behavior and Employee Motivation Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Organization Culture and Employee Motivation Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Team Spirit and Level of Employee Motivation Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Personal Effectiveness and Level of Employee Motivation Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Financial Motivators and Level of Employee Motivation Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Some tips Motivation comes from caring not scaring Motivation grows and blossom in right environment Make work fun Walk your talk It’s a continuous process – be careful 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Motivating Factors in Nepal Army Profession itself is a motivating factor Welfare programs & Medical facilities Scholarship Pension Life insurance Recognition Training system UN mission History 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training
Lt. Col. Chris Rooney – People are motivated by success Being able to motivate people to achieve a mission is key to success in the military. Understand the terrain in which you are going to operate. Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
CEO Jim Achille Whatever you expect of somebody, you have to train them. The military assumes you can do the job. This assumption is based on the excellent training the military provides. Key to effective motivation - praise Leadership & Management Training 1/16/2019
Officers are successful in the military because they can get ordinary people to do extra- ordinary things through inspirational leadership. 1/16/2019 Leadership & Management Training