Anything in YELLOW DON’T WRITE DOWN! BIODIVERSITY Anything in YELLOW DON’T WRITE DOWN! TOPICS we are covering: Biodiversity Extinctions Mass Extinctions Endangered Species Threatened Species Poaching & Anti-Poaching
THE VARIETY of LIFE IN AN ECOSYSTEM or ON EARTH. Biodiversity BIO = LIFE, DIVERSITY = DIFFERENT/VARIETY Textbook definition: The variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. My Definition THE VARIETY of LIFE IN AN ECOSYSTEM or ON EARTH.
There are three types of biodiversity Diversity of species Diversity of Ecosystems Diversity of Genes
Diversity of Species Also known as Species Diversity It is a measure of the variety of species in an ecological community.
Diversity of Ecosystems Also known as Ecological Diversity. Variety of ecosystems on earth such as deserts, forests, and grasslands. These are the BIOMES!
Diversity of Genes Also known as Genetic Diversity. The total make up of the genetic characteristics & Variation in the genetic makeup of a species.
Benefits to biodiversity Biodiversity can affect the stability of ecosystems and the sustainability of populations. Humans also benefit from biodiversity. Almost all living things depend on one another! Some species are so critical to the functioning of an ecosystem that they are called Keystone Species Loss of biodiversity can lead to a number of negative effects on just humanity. Dangerous species encroachment = more animal attacks. Less pollination leads to less food leads to starvation = death Massive die offs in the ocean would turn our ocean greenish-brown. The die offs and decomposition leads to a MASSIVE increase of CO2 and methane in our atmosphere heating it up even more.
What is happening to biodiversity? What's Happening? Thanks to all of the things humans do (pollution, climate change, deforestation) we are causing many species to go extinct and we are leading to the 6th mass extinction as well. Without biodiversity/loss of biodiversity can lead to food chain & food web collapse. (this can lead to starvation of entire species and extinctions and mass extinctions).
Extinctions & Mass Extinctions Extinctions: when a particular species is no longer alive and will never occur in nature again (without human intervention). Mass Extinction: when many species in a short period of time are dying off.
The SIX mass extinctions you NEED to know: The Ordovician-Silurian Mass Extinction (Approximately 450 MYA, 86% of all life went extinct) Devonian Mass Extinctions (Approximately 375 MYA, 75% od all life went extinct) Permian Mass Extinction (Approximately 251 MYA, 96% of all life went extinct) Triassic-Jurassic Extinction (Approximately 200 MYA, 80% of all life is lost) Cretaceous Extinction (Approximately 65 MYA, 75% of all life was lost) Where & When is the SIXTH!?
The 6th extinction AKA The Anthropocene extinction! Anthropogenic means human caused. So the Anthropocene extinction is the era in which humans have caused a mass extinction.