Standards Based Learning and Assessment Nicole Quick Instructional Technology Specialist Eastridge High School
Agenda 1.) Overview of Structure and Systems 2.) Reason for Using Standards Based Grading 3.) Resources for Developing a Standards Based Grading Classroom 4.) Challenges and Barriers 5.) Moving the School Forward 6.) Student and Parent Response
Overview of Structure and Systems Introduction to Learning Target Pre-Assessment Activity Board Differentiation, Remediation and Enrichment Re-Assessment Reflection Unit Test
Overview of Structure and Systems Resources Rubric Tracking Based on students’ current levels of understanding, resources are provided in color coded folders in the classroom. The same rubric is used for all assessments. Students also self-assess and use cards to show teacher current level of understanding. Mastery Connect is used for teachers and students to keep track of scores for each learning target.
Overview of Structure and System Differentiation Stations Digital Resources Discovery Education Padlet Recording Sheet Thinglink Thinglink – Activity Board Schoology Teacher led group for remediation or enrichment Edpuzzle to help with multiple levels of support Stations in Action
Traditional vs. Standards Based Grading Why did I switch to Standards Based? The Story of Lexi Availability of digital tools Moving understanding to mastery What is my Grade? “Standards Based Grading has the potential to restore integrity to the grading process. It can and will change our students’ futures.” Cathy Votterott
Change of Mindset Is our focus compliance or academic growth? The Power of 0 “I’ll take the 0, I’m still passing.” Flexible learning and due dates “Can I get some extra credit?” Incomplete instead of a 0 “What can I do to change my grade?” “I’m failing and the marking period ended today.” Focus on Learning Targets
Resources Books Articles The Understanding by Design Guide to Creating High Quality Units - Wiggins and McTighe Classroom Assessment and Grading that Works - Morzano Rethinking Grading by Cathy Vatterott Articles Why Use Standards Based Grading? Redesigning Grading
Challenges and Barriers Developing a system that works but is not overwhelming Work as a team Student understanding of standards based grading Regular explanation of standards based system The First Five Days School wide understanding – counselors, case managers Which challenges still linger? Time to create materials and provide quality feedback Conflict between two grading systems Consistency between course to course
Moving the School Forward Course Team Common planning time built in the day Shared resources “Dream Team” of Algebra Schoology Page Professional Development Opportunities Standards Based Grading – BLC Curriculum Writing Develop common assessments Data tracking system Time
Parent and Student Response Difficulty taking ownership of grades and re- assessing Final exam scores compared to final averages were within 5 points of each other (Accurate measure of understanding) Parent Response Parent Letter Open House Parents who attended were very supportive Grades still reported on a traditional grading scale