What Indian language group included the Powhatans?


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Presentation transcript:

What Indian language group included the Powhatans? Algonquion

Which Indian tribe lived in Southwestern Virginia and spoke Iroquoian? Cherokee

The Powhatan Indians contributed to the settlers survival by introducing the crops of __________ and ___________ tobacco and corn

The Powhatan Indians saw the colonists as _________ that would take over their land. invaders

Siouan was spoken primarily in which region? The Piedmont region

What did the Powhatans trade with the English settlers? food furs and leather

What did the English settlers trade with the Powhatans? pots, tools, and copper

Who initiated trade relationships with the Powhatans? John Smith

England wanted to find gold and silver in America England wanted to find gold and silver in America. Why else did they want to start a settlement? They wanted raw materials that could not be grown in England and they wanted to open new markets for trade.

Jamestown was primarily an _________ _________ Jamestown was primarily an _________ _________. Which meant it was settled to make money. economic venture

Who financed the settlement of Jamestown? The stockholders of the Virginia Company of London

In what year did Jamestown become the first permanent English settlement in North America? 1607

What was the importance of the Charters of the Virginia Company of London? It gave the Virginia Company the right to establish a settlement in North America and extended English rights to the colonists.

What was the first elected legislative body in America which gave colonists the opportunity to control their own government. The House of Burgesses

What did the Virginia House of Burgesses become that is still part of Virginia’s government today? The General Assembly

Why was the arrival of women in 1620 important? It made it possible for the settlers to establish families and a more permanent settlement at Jamestown.

The arrival of Africans made it possible to: Expand the tobacco economy

What is a crop that is grown to sell for money rather than for use by the growers? cash crop

The economy of the Virginia Colony depended on _________ as a primary source of wealth. agriculture

What became the most profitable agricultural product that was sold in England? tobacco

Because tobacco required a great deal of labor, the Virginia colony depended on _______ for a long time. slaves

Did the Africans that came to the Virginia colony come willingly or against their will?

What are the three main areas where the American Indians were primarily located? Coastal Plan (Tidewater), Piedmont, and Appalachian Plateau, where their traditional homelands were located.

Who were the first Americans? American Indians