Simple Linear Regression Open the ‘Management Trainee Test Scores’ file Under the Data tab, click on Data Analysis Choose Regression then OK
Simple Linear Regression The Dependent Variable (y) is Test Score, so for Input Y Range: choose B1:B10 The Independent Variable (x) is GPA, so for Input X Range: choose A1:A10 When defining our variables, the labels were in the first row of the Input Range, so check Labels Click OK
Simple Linear Regression Will give you the following: SUMMARY OUTPUT Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.736613187 R Square 0.542598988 Adjusted R Square 0.477255986 Standard Error 10.28720669 Observations 9 ANOVA df SS MS F Significance F Regression 1 878.7692049 8.30385769 0.023596193 Residual 7 740.7863506 105.8266215 Total 8 1619.555556 Coefficients t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Intercept 21.40854402 19.17652926 1.116393052 0.301104188 -23.93674212 66.75383 Undergrad GPA 19.64364126 6.816823437 2.881641492 3.524415243 35.76287