Study techniques 1. don’t cram -- several times a week for several weeks before a test 2. keep it under an hour at a time – the longer you study at one sitting the more you forget Take breaks A little each day Remember more at night before you go to sleep
3. get info out of note format – study guides, note cards etc. 4. test yourself – don’t just read 5. don’t move on until you know it 6. go back over it after you know it 7. keep adding new information 8. study out loud
Note card system Make them daily or weekly Number them Word, term, name – on one side Definition, description on the other side Test yourself Don’t go beyond a note-card until you know it Keep going back over them in order, continuing to add more note-cards each time through
reinforcements 1.Read 2.write 3.say out loud 4.hear Every note card gives you 4 reinforcements as opposed to just reading notes= 1 reinf.
Within 24 hours of learning new content – one forgets 80% of what was learned If this information is reviewed, it takes 7 days before 80% is forgotten again After another review, it takes about 30 day to forget that 80% again