Living With and Beyond Cancer Transformation Project update Lung Cancer SSG Tuesday 27th November 2018
Project managers in post across Alliance SWAG LWBC Evaluation & Commissioning Manager Louise Worswick developing the evaluation work stream and also leading on the primary care work stream with Lucy Thompson, Macmillan GP SWAG Macmillan Patient & Public Involvement Lead – Katy Horton-Fawkes working as part of the project to increase user involvement with all aspects Cancer Support Workers (CSWs) recruited, trained and beginning to deliver Holistic Needs Assessments following diagnosis and at end of treatment SWAG CSW competencies being used in many of the Trusts Still working to existing metrics, however, the time scale for delivering the post treatment HNA has been revised to be done between 6 weeks and 3 months. Awaiting finalisation of NHSE LWBC metrics
Health & wellbeing events are being expanded so that more people can access them. In BNSSG delivering H&WB events earlier in the patient pathway across the CCG, using the NBT model, is being looked into. UHB and RUH looking at H&WB for advanced disease/ palliative patients Salisbury and UHB have lung as one of their designated sites – both are looking at developing the lung follow-up pathway as well as introducing the recovery package to the pathway Rehab/ AHP services now either established or being finalised aiming to deliver prehab/ rehab services and providing improved access to therapies for all pathways Treatment summaries are variable in their delivery and more effort needed to get these completed and delivered. Draft lung treatment summary best practice templates available for SSG comment (Glenda Beard to feedback at SSG).
If anyone has any queries about any aspects of the project please contact: Catherine Neck