Table of Contents B. Parade Overview A. World War One – Brief Overview Statistics Causes of the War Countries Involved Immediate Cause Escalation Weapons Fighting Fronts Why U.S. Entered B. Parade Overview Purpose Community Value Types of Entries Ceremony
Statistics World War One included: 3 Continents 31 Countries 65 Million Soldiers 37 Million Casualties 91,198 Deaths by Gas 6,395 Allied and Neutral Ships Lost $186.3 Billion Financial Losses
Causes of WWI Some Causes May Include: Industrial Revolution Militarism Germany Nationalism Serbia Alliances Triple Alliance Germany, Aus.-Hun., Bulgaria, and Turkey Triple Entente Serbia, Russia, France, Great Britain, US, ...
Countries that only cut off trade Countries Involved Allied Countries Central Countries Austria-Hungary Germany Ottoman Empire Bulgaria Greece China U.S. Cuba Nicaragua Brazil Siam Costa Rica Guatemala Haiti Honduras Serbia Russia France Belgium Great Britain Liberia Japan Montenegro Italy San Marino Portugal Romania Countries that only cut off trade Bolivia Ecuador Peru Uruguay That Should Add Up To 31 Countries
Immediate Cause Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand by Gavrilo Princip, June 28th, 1914. Archduke Ferdinand First Bomb Gunshots Gav. Princip
Escalation After the Archduke was killed, a series of events was set in motion, to change the world. 1. A-H declared war on Serbia. 2. Russia mobilized to aid Serbia. 3. Germany aids A-H, declares war on Russia. 4. France mobilizes to aid Russia. 5. Germany declares war on France. 6. Germany invades Belgium. 7. UK declares war on Germany. 8. OE mobilizes to aid Germany and A-H. 9. Italy joins France, UK, and Russia. 10. Bulgaria joins OE, Germany, and A-H. 11. US joins Italy, France, UK, and Russia
Weapons Blimps Airplanes Long Range Artillery Tanks Gas Ships Submarines
Fighting Fronts The Western Front was between France and Germany The Italian Front was between Aus.-Hun. and Italy The Eastern Front was between Russia and Germany Germany wanted to avoid fighting on more than one front.
Lusitania The Lusitania was a British cruise liner, sunk by a German U-boat. The Sinking of the Lusitania, followed by Germany waging unrestricted submarine warfare, resulting in the sinking of American merchant ships and the interception of the Zimmerman Telegram, in which Germany petitioned Mexico to join against the U.S., finally led American to enter the war.
The War Ends 1917 – Russia surrenders (a separate peace) U.S. joins the war on the Allied side Nov. 11, 1918 Armistice
PARADE OVERVIEW Purpose Community Value Date & Route Types of Entries Ceremony
Purpose: Remembering Yolo Counties Contribution “Honoring Those That Served” In this photo, members of the Woodland National Guard stand in formation on an unknown date. When World War I began, these men made up Company F of the 2nd California Infantry Regiment. On June 5, 1917 (100 years ago), a total of 1,625 young men from Yolo County registered for the World War I Draft. Photograph of Company F, Second Infantry, lined up on Main Street preparing to leave for induction into federal service for Spanish - American War in 1898. C. H. Clements collection in Yolo County Historical Museum. (Courtesy of the Yolo County Archives and Shipley Walters.)
COMMUNITY VALUE Honouring Those Who Served Historical & Educational Value Bring awareness and acknowledgement of those from Yolo County that so proudly served our country Outreach to schools As a Quality of Life Family Event Opportunity to Showcase Our County Touches All Segments of Our County Platform for Young and Old to Participate & View Strong Generational Aspects Provides Economic Value to Our Community Monetary return to Hotels/Motels, Restaurants, Retailers, Service Stations, etc…..Increased tax revenue and the “Exposure Factor” associated with showcasing our City and our County to others including current and future financial benefits to all of our business communities
DATE & ROUTE Date Theme Route November 10, 2018 Kick Off Time: 11am “Honoring and Remembering” Route Staging Area: Lincoln Street between College and First Streets Kick Off at Lincoln Street and First Street Parade ends at the Woodland Train Depot (So Parade Route is from First St. & Lincoln St. Down Lincoln St. & ending at 6th St.)
TYPES OF ENTRIES Horses Bands Floats Military Units ROTC Units
CEREMONY Parade Ends Here Ceremony (End of Parade approximately Woodland Train Depot Lincoln at Sixth Street. Woodland, CA Approximate Time – 12:00 to 12:30pm Ceremony (End of Parade approximately 2 hours) Entries on Display Music Food Trucks Fly Over Dignitary/Military Speaks