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Care Needs Of Client Groups Welcome to our sample presentation from our Head of Health And Social Care resources. The arrow at the top right hand corner of the page will return you to the previous page if you click on it. The following is a short extract from our presentation called: Care Needs Of Client Groups
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction In this topic you will learn about: the range of care needs of major client groups
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction In this topic you will learn about: the types of services that exist to meet each client group’s needs
In this topic you will learn about: Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction In this topic you will learn about: local and national partnership working to ensure the integration of the services
In this topic you will learn about: Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction In this topic you will learn about: The main roles and skills of people who provide health, social care and early years care and education services
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction We all have health and care needs but those needs will be different at different stages in our lives. Our needs can be broken down into: Health needs Developmental needs and Social care needs
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction Health needs will include: Having and keeping a healthy body Living without infection, disease or illness Preventing ill health and screening for disease Having good eyesight and hearing Having good dental health Preventing ill health
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction Health needs will also include: A good diet Exercise Personal hygiene Immunisation against certain diseases Medication when necessary An environment that is conducive to good health
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction Developmental needs will include: Learning new skills Language and writing skills and communication Social skills Being able to develop personal relationships Being independent Having leisure activities
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction Social care needs will include: Having food, shelter, clothing, warmth, a safe environment and physical support where necessary Emotional support Financial support Contact with other people Being independent and maintaining one’s dignity
Care Needs of Client Groups An introduction Health, developmental and social care needs will differ for different people. At different stages in people’s lives their needs change. Babies and young children need toys for mental stimulation; adults do not need toys. People are therefore grouped into client groups to distinguish them. Let’s start to look at the client groupings that exist. Clients are also known as service users.
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