Telefónica Móviles España in 2001 High rates of penetration in Spain (>70%) There were millions SMS –38% with added value E-moción: 2,5 millions users –Average 2 min. / access – calls / week
Revenue sharing in 3G will be as follows, KPMG says Revenue 100% Wireless Operators 50% Added Value Applications 12%38% Contents Providers = + + New businesses and opportunities A great opportunity for new players
Facilitate access to wireless technologies to companies that traditionally develop services and computer applications Establish new business models which involve developers, clients, universities... Create new environment where external companies integrate services offered by Telefónica MoviStar in their own applications MovilForum objectives
Technological Partners Leaders in wireless technologies –MovilForum Fair 2001: Microsoft, Openwave, HP, Ericsson, Motorola, Siemens, Compaq Agreements with developer communities –MSDN, HP bazaar, EMW Devices, development tools... Joint training events Developer contests
Members Companies interested in develop their business in the wireless industry 119 companies joined, 73 signed agreements Different types –developers –integrators –consultancy companies –... Nationwide location Agreements with universities
Associated Community interested in the wireless industry Professionals, freelances, students... Services: mailing lists, news, events, articles, New ideas and projects Registry via web
¿What is MovilForum offering? TECHNICALSUPPORT BUSINESSSUPPORT WEB wap.movilforum.com
Business Support Collaborating Company accreditation –Pass compulsory courses Promotion of third company products Direct contact with Telefónica MoviStar Feria MovilForum
Promotion of third company products MovilForum portfolio –Fill in the questionnaire –Paper, CD and web edition –Distribuition to commercial department, clients... Demo Center –Portfolio selection –Kind of applications: transport and location, health, banking and insurances, telemetry and telecontrol, entertainment, corporate applications access, contents adaptation and release, sales force automation.
Feria MovilForum Annual fair where members show their mobile products FMF2001 – 7 Sponsors: Compaq, Ericsson, HP, Microsoft, Openwave, Siemens, Sun – 18 exhibitors people Feria MovilForum 2002: 10, 11 december people to seminars
Technical support Testing platform Training plan Technical support Seminars and technical events Technical documentation: available in web
Testing platform WAP SMS LOC GSM/GPRS WAP SMS LOC Testing Application Special Access
Services WAP Messaging Location MoviStar (Exchange) GPRS Java 2 Micro Edition Games
Events 2001 Presentación MovilForum Jornada Técnica Java Expo Demos en ExpoComm Mundo Móvil Tech-Ed Feria MovilForum 2001 Seminario m-services Foro MSDN-MF SIMO J2ME más allá de la voz EFM AMJ JAS OND
Events H Tour Java Móviles (universities) Sun Workshops MSDN: MIS, mobility Microsoft Jornada Técnica 2002 TME J2ME más allá de la Voz Sun Java Expo Sun MMS Ericsson
Members Compromises Data updated Two employees trained in our services Dont use lab for commercial use NDA Pay the fee