MICROSCOPIC MEASUREMENT Millimetres Micrometres Nanometres Angstroms
MILLIMETRE Symbol: mm Activity: Take a ruler and draw a line that is only 1mm in length. Use this extremely short line to help you visualize the next smaller unit of microscopic measurement, the micrometre.
MICROMETRE 1 micrometre= 1/1000 of a mm. Symbol:um Another way to describe this measurement would be to say that there are 1000 micrometres in a single mm. Activity: Divide your 1 mm line in half. How many micrometres are there on either side of the line? ANSWER: 500 Can you divide the mm into 1000 pieces?
NANOMETRE Symbol: nm 1nm= 1/1000 of a micrometre Another way to express this measurement would be to say there are 1 million nanometres(nm) in a single mm. Try to visualize: Were you able to visualize your 1mm line cut into 1000 pieces? Now take one of those pieces and cut it into another 1000 pieces to represent a nm.
ANGSTROM Symbol: Å 1 Å = 1/10,000 of a micrometre There are 10 million Angstroms in a single mm. Angstroms and nanometres are units that can be measured by an electron microscope.