Intraoperative Cell Salvage UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Intraoperative Cell Salvage Basic Blood Facts Blood Conservation Haemovigilance Principles of Intraoperative Cell Salvage Indications and Contraindications Practicalities – Blood Collection Practicalities – Blood Processing Practicalities – Blood Reinfusion Information and Best Practice Unloading and Discarding
Learning Outcomes Identify the principles of blood conservation UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Learning Outcomes Identify the principles of blood conservation Identify the areas where blood conservation can be undertaken in surgical patients Describe the main strategies of blood conversation
Blood Conservation Allogeneic (Donor) Blood Limited Resource UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Blood Conservation Allogeneic (Donor) Blood Limited Resource Donor Restrictions e.g. age, previous transfusion, lifestyle Risks e.g. Wrong Blood Incidents Transfusion Transmitted Infections Transfusion reactions Costs
Blood Conservation Patient Blood Management UK CELL SALVAGE ACTION GROUP EDUCATION WORKBOOK Blood Conservation Patient Blood Management a multidisciplinary, evidence-based approach to optimising the care of patients who might need a blood transfusion Recommendations published by the National Blood Transfusion Committee (2014) Emergency Plans for Blood Shortages To ensure the availability of blood where critical in the event of a blood shortage Autologous blood transfusion is one of many blood conservation strategies which should be considered when addressing Patient Blood Management.