BIL151 Sec O3 Coral Bleaching Lab Cheryl Tatum Mike Robinson Dan DiResta
Proposed Experiment: The Effect of Beer on Corals Question: Does prolonged exposure to beer cause bleaching in coral? We will test the effect of 3 different beers, Guinness, Heineken and Budweiser on coral bleaching. Coral bleaching will be measured by zooxanthellae density.
Hypothesis: H0: Corals grown in beer will have the same zooxanthellae density as corals grown in seawater H1: Corals grown in beer will have less zooxanthellae than control corals
Experimental Protocol: Experimental and control corals will be maintained in aquaria under standard salinity, light and temperature. Zooxanthellae density will be measured once a week for four weeks. Chlorophyll a and protein concentration will also be measured.
Stay tuned for the results!