Impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the Research Area Main changes and implications for the governance of ERA
Research as an Objective of the Union From a mean in the EC Treaty to a fully-fledge objective after the Lisbon Treaty EC Treaty did not quote research as a specific objective of the EU but as a means “of strengthening the scientific and technological bases of Community industry and encouraging it to become more competitive at international level”. After the Lisbon Treaty, it is stated that "The EU shall promote scientific and technological advance".
The Concept of a European Research Area The Lisbon Treaty introduced for the first time the concept of ERA providing that it is the way to achieve: the objective of strengthening the scientific and technological bases of the Union the free circulation of researchers, scientific knowledge and technology 3
Novelties on Commission’s Initiatives Clarification on Commission’s initiatives to promote the coordination between Member States - The European Parliament shall be kept fully informed New Measures to achieve the ERA - Commission may propose the adoption of regulations, directives or decisions according to the ordinary legislative procedure - Commission may propose the adoption of Council recommendations according to a non-legislative procedure, without involving the European Parliament Membership: States and intergov. Orgainsations – no private entities because… Procedure: application, statues tailor-made… Advantages: VAT, excise duties, procurement, faster Obligations: sound financial management, statutes, monitoring.. 4
Competence-sharing between the Union and the MS Competence in the R&D area between the European Union and the Member States is a shared one Its exercise shall not result in Member States being prevented from exercising theirs Membership: States and intergov. Orgainsations – no private entities because… Procedure: application, statues tailor-made… Advantages: VAT, excise duties, procurement, faster Obligations: sound financial management, statutes, monitoring.. 5
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