Linda McDowell Susan Edelman Sam Morgan


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Presentation transcript:

Linda McDowell Susan Edelman Sam Morgan DB Summit 2016 Linda McDowell Susan Edelman Sam Morgan The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education #H326T130013. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Teaching Research Institute, nor the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jo Ann McCann.

DB Summit 2016 Focus Renewing our understanding of what it means to provide DB TA as a network; reflection, conversations and planning to build and expand our effectiveness in accomplishing outcomes for children, families and educational teams though shared resources and partnerships.

Conversations with DB State Projects Pre-Summit What does it mean to be a DB TA Network? (the Vision) Who does what, operationally? (defined roles) How do we do this efficiently? (Use assets and solutions to barriers) Consider Skills we can build upon Incentives that open doors Resources that help sustain efforts

Thoughts from DB State Projects: Pre-Summit What’s working in my DB State Project TA delivery Assets and Solutions (Skills and Incentives) How I’m benefiting from DB Network Activity Connections (Resources) What would help network communication and activity sharing What makes sense for Year 4 & 5

What keeps me going? Time with children & teachers What families say about how their child’s life changed Seeing the lives of children & families improve My benchmarks achieved – at annual report time Good relationships – in state & across network Still finding new & exciting ways to do DB TA Higher levels of networking now – being with like-minded, highly passionate people who “get it”

Assets & Solutions for DB State Project TA (Skills and Incentives) Strong relationships in state – PTI and families, DOE, professional development, state regional service system, partnership with state outreach system, strong advisory board Grant proposal goals and activities linked to national initiatives (similar to state DOE focus) DB project structured for capacity building in state – TA request forms, tracking efforts & outcomes Collaboratives & mentorship across state lines Improved technology for distance TA, but… Stages in Intervener service adoption

Benefits of DB Network Activity (Resources) Collective vision; consistent DB knowledge and skill sets for personnel; a national website of national resources New products disseminated – for all levels of DB TA Multiple-state DB TA partnerships going well – regional or common issues solved with common solutions Colleagues sharing (portal and otherwise) – sharpens my tools, keeps me out of ruts; find solutions in situations similar to my own (big state, small state, regional service system, separate school districts); can often build on someone else’s expertise Can engage in some, but not all efforts – linked to state priorities, but aware of benefits of connecting further Overwhelmed by DB TA, but helped by the network

Recommendations for Network Communication & Activity Sharing Effective system of accessing NCDB website information & group conversations Efficient application of information from National Initiative to state DB TA work Relationship building strategies (to enhance DB TA network collaboration) – in the face of limited face to face time Increasing state engagement in DB TA portal participation – tapping in & confidently sharing

Recommendations for Year 4 & Year 5 With network partnerships; achieve initiative outcomes, everywhere National survey – descriptive of DB TA recommendations (address student needs, family needs, DB TA practices) TA Implementation Guide – review and apply, jointly, prior to grant writing (plan for DB TA network collaboration) Learning of newest DB research & relooking at previous DB TA materials Keeping up with technology & conversations

Strengthening our National Network Network Engagement as an NCDB goal (an OSEP priority) Network TWG (technical workgroup) Summit 2015 – identification of resources, skills and incentives across the network Recommendations made and steps taken or planned: State portal SDBP Profiles Mentoring activities Creation of a shared network vision Action Steps to increase network connectivity and collaboration within the network

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Development of Vision and Mission NCDB Staff reflections and draft elements (March, April, May) Rolled out to states via webinar & posted on State Portal (June) Comments on Portal, Drop-in Call sessions (July) Revisions based on input Draft Vision and Mission Statement (Summit)

Vision and Mission 7/30/16 Vision statement (as desired state) Children and youth who are deaf-blind receive supports and services that allow them to experience full integration and participation in society including education, employment and community living. Our Mission is to provide parents and the professionals that serve them with.... Opportunities for shared leadership and collaboration; A national network of supports and services across the age range; Knowledgeable and qualified personnel; and Improved system capacity. 25 + states gave input

“Managing Complex Change” Lippitt 1987 Susan Reactive vs Proactive

The Day House Keeping Facilitation Forms Breaks Lunch Social Time keeping from the front NCDB staff circulating during discussions to answer questions etc. Groups of 8 to 10 grouped by characteristics (tables labeled) See Information on summit and process document Forms Group form State form

Groups and Facilitation Each initiative – update and discussion Discussion guided by… Change model: skill, incentives, and resources Guiding questions on forms Questions from each initiative on the screen Time keeping from the front NCDB staff will circulate and participate to answer questions and support conversation Each group one or two note takers

Groupings INITIATIVE GROUPING EI and R Regional/low incidence infrastructure or local districts only Interveners and Qualified Personnel IHE DOE Agency (school f/t deaf and/or blind) Transition and Family Engagement Large states or Small states by region

Notes Group Note Taking Form Each group will produce notes from its discussion (skills, incentives, resources) action/work plan table, if time NCDB will aggregate and share back State Forms For notes that pertain to your state specific work and collaborations, etc. States share forms with NCDB to assist and support making connections and build collaborative relationships among projects with common interests. Give all paper forms to Sam Morgan Take photo of state forms and email to Email all electronic forms to