Objective: To be able to evaluate an investigation Surface Area and Heat Loss Objective: To be able to evaluate an investigation 6* To discuss sources of error in your investigation 5 To suggest improvements in the practical procedure 4 To point out things that was not correct in your investigation Evaluate, anomaly, measurement error.
Huddling Penguins Setting the scene: Why do penguins huddle together?
Huddling Penguins
Huddling Penguins
Huddling Penguins
Key Scientific Words Anomaly – A result that does not fit the pattern produced by other results “a weird result” Random Error – Cause anomalies, they are Unexplainable errors – we don’t know why! Measurement Error – Errors caused by instruments or humans incorrectly counting or reading the true number.
Key Scientific Words Range – The difference between your highest and lowest values. Reproducibility – The results are reproducible if other groups do a different method get the same pattern / conclusion.
Task: Can you plan an investigation to prove why it is beneficial for penguins to huddle together? Can you make a results table for this?
You are going to plan an experiment to test your ideas Step 1 Decide what you will do to investigate your question Step 2 Independent Variable What are you going to change? Dependent Variable What are you going to measure? Step 3 Getting Accurate results What variables do you need to control to make it a fair test? Step 7 What do you Predict will happen and why? Planning an investigation Step 4 Getting Precise Results What scale of measurement are you going to use? Step 5 What equipment are you going to need? Step 6 Write a 6 bullet point method of your plan.
This is usually the thing you change Recording your Results Design a table to collect your results in This is usually the thing you change These are usually the things you have measured Use a PENCIL and RULER NEVER FORGET YOUR UNITS!!! (e.g. s, m, cm, N)
Time Edge of colony (°C) Middle of colony Lone penguin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Huddling Penguins The test tube on the left represents a lone penguin and those in the elastic band represent a colony. thermometers rubber band
Draw a graph Categorical data = bar chart E.g. groups, names Continuous = Line graph e.g. time, length, mass Thing you measured (D.V) Thing you changed (I.V)
Produced a simple conclusion from your data Have you… Yes/No 1 Produced a simple conclusion from your data 2 Stated a pattern from the data 3 Produced a well written conclusion that clearly states the correct pattern that is consistent with the data. 4 Has correctly spotted and highlighted anomalies 5 Suggested a potential source of error in the data collection 6 Suggested two/three potential errors could have occurred in the data collection 7 Suggested one improvement to the method to reduce error 8 Suggested multiple improvements to the method to remove these sources of error 9 Has correctly stated the range of the dependent variable. 10 Correctly commented if the data is reproducible and why
What does your data tell you? Why do penguins huddle together? Write a conclusion for your practical: Questions to answer: What does your data tell you? Why do penguins huddle together? Were all your results good? Did you have any anomalies? If so, say what ones and highlight them on your graph. What were the good things about your method? What were the bad things about your method? What might have caused errors? Can you suggest improvements to your method. What is the range of your dependent variable? Is your data reproducible? Why?
Objective: To be able to evaluate an investigation Surface Area and Heat Loss Objective: To be able to evaluate an investigation 6* To discuss sources of error in your investigation 5 To suggest improvements in the practical procedure 4 To point out things that was not correct in your investigation Evaluate, random error, systematic error, zero error.