The Ethics of Computer Game Design By Miguel Sicart Joseph Breen
Summary Argues that videogames are moral objects They inspire moral choices from the user, meaning they have values made into them that the user then experiences and decides upon the virtuousness of the values Allows the designers to implement their own values on a story level In certain instances, allows users to demonstrate their own ethics and values “This research has tried to determine in which ways computer games can be morally accountable. As a result, I would say that a computer game is morally accountable not only for the virtual world it creates, but also by the ways the experience of that virtual world is designed.” – Miguel Sicart
Examples XIII – You play as a morally ambiguous killer, yet killing a police officer results in a game over. The Sims – You control your people, yet when you push them to unhappiness the game makes it so that to continue, they must get better. Grand Theft Auto – Playing in an open world that offers “freedom”, only to be constrained by the code, as well as limits set by developers. (i.e. Invisible walls, lack of true freedom, etc.) World of Warcraft – Inspires agression between both Horde and Alliance by offering an “Honor System” as well as by destroying communication and comraderie between the two factions. This is a design choice by developers.
My Opinion I feel that videogames can drive different levels of ethics in their design. That a game can test the ethics, morals, and values of a person excites me in the depth the medium has to affect people. I agree with the article greatly on its views as games as art, while at the same time being optimistic in the directions game developers can take the power they wield over the player in how they view the game world and interact with it.
Ethics that Apply 1.1 Contribute to society and human well-being. (ex. Make a game that teaches poor ethics) 1.2 Avoid harm to others.(ex. Slanders another companies reputation) 1.3 Be honest and trustworthy.(ex. Lies about the content) 1.4 Be fair and take action not to discriminate.(ex. Racism, sexism, etc. in the game) 1.5 Honor property rights including copyrights and patent.(ex. Having a copyrighted song in the game without consent) 2.1 Strive to achieve the highest quality, effectiveness and dignity in both the process and products of professional work.(ex. Glitches due to sloppy programming) 2.3 Know and respect existing laws pertaining to professional work. 2.7 Improve public understanding of computing and its consequences.
Questions How would ethics rule 1.4 pertain to the ethics of game design? Grand Theft Auto was limited by its scope in what way? Does Miguel Sicart hold videogames morally accountable for how they affect people? In what way could property rights be violated in a videogame?
Answers If a game had a specific race or sex portrayed in a poor light, that would go against rule 1.4. It cannot offer true freedom as there are constraints to what can and cannot be done in the game, such as movement being halted by invisible walls. He does hold them ethically accountable. A game could use a song from an artist without their permission in the game.