Some adjectives end in –ed (ex:bored, annoyed, interested,worried, excited...). Some adjectives end in -ing (ex: boring, annoying, interesting, worrying, exciting...)
PAY ATTENTION ! an interesting teacher a boring movie an exciting life BUT I’m very interested in modern art. We were bored at the end of the lesson. She’s excited about going on vacation tomorrow.
-Ed adjectives: So, what’s the rule? -Ing adjectives : Describe how a situation, a person or thing makes people feel -Ed adjectives: Describe how people feel.
She is _________ because she got excited She is _________ because she got a new car. excited exciting
They are _________ because bored They are _________ because the movie is_________. boring bored boring
boring bored boring The meeting was so ___________ that all employees fell asleep. bored boring
bored boring bored boring She got __________ because the book she was reading was really __________. boring bored boring
Boring bored bored boring ___________ classes make students feel_________. bored bored boring
She is ________ because of the bills. worried She is ________ because of the bills. worried worrisome (exception)
She’s ____________ because of the heavy traffic. annoyed She’s ____________ because of the heavy traffic. annoying annoyed
She’s very ________because she worked very hard today. tired She’s very ________because she worked very hard today. tiring tired
disappointed disappointing disappointing disappointed They’re really ______________ because it was a _____________ game. disappointed disappointing disappointing disappointed
He is __________ because the TV program is ________. bored boring bored boring
scared scary scary (exception) scared They are_______ because the movie is ________. scary scary (exception) scared