Colonization of France Amy, Jananiy, Jackie, Maria
Why did they start exploring? They were seeking a route to the Pacific Ocean to gain wealth.
Where did they go? What did they find? Ancient Gaul: Celtic Territories between the Rhine, the Atlantic Ocean, the Pyrenees and the Mediterranean -Clovis I conquered much of Gaul’s regions. -Four kingdoms emerged from Clovis' I’s reign :Paris, Orléans,Soissons, and Rheims -exploration of the Saint Lawrence River by Jacques Cartier in 1534 and ending with the cession of New France to Spain and Great Britain in 1763.
What governmental structure did they have during this period? At the time, France was under the rule of the absolute monarchy.
Who were their leaders? Francis I, King of France
How did exploration benefit the nation and/or it's people? -Intermarriages between French and Indians were frequent, rising the population in New France -The French traded with inland tribes for furs and fished off the coast of Newfoundland. -Quebec.
When were they exploring? -The French colonization of the Americas began in the 16th century -In 1524, Francis sent Giovanni da Verrazzano to explore between Florida and Newfoundland for a route to the Pacific Ocean. -In 1534, Francis I sent Jacques Cartier on the first of three voyages to explore the coast of Newfoundland and the St. Lawrence River. -In 1562 Jean Ribault headed an expedition that explored the St. Johns River area in Florida. -In 1608 Samuel de Champlain built a fort at Quebec and explored the area north to Port Royal, Nova Scotia, and south to Cape Cod.
How did this affect their relationships with the rest of the European nations? -By 1500, France was regarded as a major power in Europe, but would once again become involved in protracted warfare, with the commanding House of Habsburg as its major rival. -The French subsequently tried to establish several colonies throughout North America that failed, due to weather, disease, or conflict with other European powers.
How did it affect the areas that they "discovered" -It during a period beginning with the exploration of the Saint Lawrence River by Jacques Cartier in 1534 and ending with the cession of New France to Spain and Great Britain in 1763. -New Area colonized by France → New France -The last French and Indian War resulted in the breaking of New France with Canada going to Britain and Louisiana going to Spain -The only part of the former colonial territory of New France that remains under French control to this day is the French overseas collectivity of Saint Pierre and Miquelon
What did they do with these areas? Since population was low, many people from France went to new areas to procreate because population for them were low France had successfully established a colonial empire on the Western Hemisphere
What was their relationship with the indigenous peoples like? French traders in America quickly realized the economic benefits of working with Native Americans to exploit fur and timber exports Aboriginals provided access to land to furs for trading, as well as food supplies from fishing and big game hunting European goods and technologies found their way into Aboriginal culture Government areas covered by New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the Northeastern United States began to sign peace agreements with the Aboriginals in the early 1700s Starting with the first Peace and Friendship Treaty in 1725 lasted until 1779, the treaties were designed to stop/prevent wars with the Indigenous peoples so that European settlers could begin to safely live on this land and use its natural resources